Wednesday, October 26, 2011

#Klout Tweak May Affect Your Score, especially if you are on Rwitter, ok most of us!!

Klout Tweak May Affect Your Score

Klout has tinkered with its method for determining social media influence and it may affect your score on the platform.
The new scoring model “represents the biggest step forward in accuracy, transparency and our technology in Klout’s history,” Ash Rust, director of ranking, announced on Klout’s post Wednesday. CEO Joe Fernandez outlined the thinking behind those changes in a blog post last week.
The upshot, Fernandez wrote, is that “a majority of users will see their scores stay the same or go up but some users will see a drop.” The good news for those in the latter category is that Klout can offer a diagnosis. “We now have the power to share the specific actions that are helping or hurting your score,” Fernandez wrote. “When your Klout Score changes you will be able to match it to a corresponding change in one of these subscores and understand why the change has occurred.”
Three-year-old Klout, which has calculated more than 100 million scores, is constantly updating its formula. The company recently took into account Google+ and activity as well as interactions on Twitter and Facebook.
Did your score go up, down or stay the same? Let us know in the comments.

BONUS: What Klout’s New Topic Pages Look Like

The San Francisco-based startup also released another new feature last month that lets users gain insights on top content influencers as well as users who have received the most +Ks for respective topics.
To populate a user’s Topic Pages (see screenshots below), Klout analyzes the user’s content created across the 11 networks it calculates.
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  1. When will Klout ever allow me to tie a brand’s twitter account to their facebook account so that we can see the combined score for the brand. Most of the people I send reports to are interested in Klout enough to want to know their brand’s klout score… but I don’t get a true reading with twitter alone since most of the brands I work with choose to focus on facebook.
    • You can already do this…
    • You can add your brand’s Facebook page to Klout. My brand has its own Klout account with our Twitter + FB page. You just have to go through the same exact steps–connect to FB through Klout, and all that. It’ll show up as connecting as you, but eventually in the process it asks you if you really want to connect your personal FB account, or if you’re trying to connect with page you manage. (This is assuming your FB account is already tied to your own personal Klout account; I think they say you can only have one Klout account per Facebook account, which is why this prompt, to instead add a page you manage, comes up.)
  2. My Klout score is constant. But other parameters like amplification, etc just tanked!
    • Mu Klout score went from 67 to 49, amplification 50 to 7, and In the past day, Network Impact decreased by 40 points from 62 to 32, the only thing that went up was true reach which went from 1k to 2k… very strange, but starting to make this other site I use more appealing. At least my score is still 70 over there….
  3. Mine dropped 13 points! WTH?!
  4. I think Klout just pulled a Netflix… Most people have experienced big drops. Any bit of insight into human psychology would state that in general people do not like to see their ‘worth’ drop significantly.
    • “Klout just pulled a Netflix…”
      Yes. Exactly.
      The basic arithmetic just doesn’t add up for a number of accounts. Sure, ti does for some, and they’ll have no complaint. But those will also lack insight into what appears, at least in part, to be a significant amount of basic data garbling, above and beyond any algorithm.
      Now we get to see how Klout handles damage response… denial, hiding, promoting harder… effective problem-solving, dare we hope?
  5. My score has been pretty volatile this last week. Up 4 one day and down 5 the next. It doesn’t seem to correlate to my Network Influence. Today for example it jumped three, despite the fact that all my other things like reach, amplification probability, etc. went down. I find it interesting, but erratic, so it’s pretty hard to tell what I’m doing or not doing that’s moving the score one way or another.
  6. -6 in a month, and -4 since yesterday, and I haven’t got a clue why. Maybe need to get more active. ;)
  7. I saw a drop of almost 10 points with the update.
  8. Mine stayed the same.
  9. Mine dropped about 4 points.
  10. Huge changes for me. Was at 62 now at 52
    Reach went way up (from 1k to 2k)
    Amplification went way down (from 48 to 17)
    Network went down (from 63 to 40)
    What’s interesting is that all of the trending disappeared too and my upward trend looks better than it did. I had gone up 8 points in the past week (to 62) and now it says I’ve gone up 14 points in the past week (to 52).
  11. It dropped by 46 yesterday (, came up 38 today ( The folks I see on Twitter all report a drop. The charts are also all wonky and don’t correspond with activity. I still don’t believe this social scoring gig is valid.
  12. Mine dropped with 6 points last week. No explanation found.
  13. Went from a steady 60 to 51 today. Now, what happened? I would think that if they included wordpress now, it’d have gone up. Very confusing…
  14. My Klout score has dropped from 59 to 50 but I seem to influence 1,000 people – more than I have following my social media accounts. Seems to be more realistic now though according to my score.
  15. My score dropped by 10 points.
  16. My score dropped big-time. Oh well…..
  17. My score actually went up by 4, but my score analysis shows a downward trend for the last month (with the new formula). Amplification definitely took a big hit.
  18. Most people commenting on their blog post regarding it complain that their scores went down 10+ points across the board. We all know that the most dissatisfied users are always the loudest. My score went down as well, but I want the most accurate score possible. What good is an inflated number to pat your ego? Many of the commenters appear to be completely misguided. The goal isn’t to grow your clout score, the goal is to be more effective with social media, Klout is a gauge of that. Cheating the system really only hurts your cause in the long run (whereas having a higher quality social media presence does not, and should ideally be reflected by your Klout score).
    It’s my opinion that Klout are inching ever closer to an ideal barometer of social media effectiveness.
  19. Mine and most of the friends in my feed just plummeted about 10-14 points. Mine went down just under 12.
  20. mine dropped 6 points. Clearly a poor performance!
  21. My score dropped about 15 points in the space of a week :(
  22. I’m not sure why everyone is giving this company unfettered access to their accounts for the limited analysis they provide, ESPECIALLY if those accounts are important. I’m not sure I trust them completely…