Tuesday, October 25, 2011

#Oct20 Review of the Day that Gaddafi and his son died, many pics and videos


#Saif Gaddafi has been ARRESTED and is INJURED #LIBYA og Ggoness ICC in #TheHague get his ROOM ready

@FromJoanneJoanne ♌ Leo

#Saif Gaddafi has been ARRESTED and is INJURED #LIBYA og Ggoness ICC in #TheHague get his ROOM ready #Libya

LIBTRIP Tarek Alwan

No confirmation about #Saif yet. #Libya #Gaddafiisdeath

16 minutes ago

PeterClifford1 Peter Clifford

#Libya UNCONFIRMED report that #Saif #Gaddafi injured & arrested after attack on convoy near #BaniWalid.

BREAKING: A new image of #Mutassim who was killed today 20/10/2011 in #Sirte.

@LIBTRIPTarek Alwan

BREAKING: A new image of #Mutassim who was killed today 20/10/2011 in #Sirte. #Libya.

Video footage showed Gaddafi, dazed and wounded, but still clearly alive and gesturing with his hands

@FromJoanneJoanne ♌ Leo

Sirte "We went in and brought #Gaddafi out of the sewer He was saying 'what's wrong? What's wrong? What's going on?goo.gl/LuFNS

Libya's Gaddafi caught hiding like a "rat"

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By Tim Gaynor and Taha Zargoun

SIRTE, Libya | Thu Oct 20, 2011 5:50pm BST

(Reuters) - Muammar Gaddafi called the rebels who rose up against his 42-years of one-man rule "rats," but in the end it was he who was captured cowering

Video #sirte Gaddafi Golden Gun: Pistol Taken From Dead Libya Leader After Capture In Sirte

mlambology Tm Mlambo

Gaddafi Golden Gun: Pistol Taken From Dead Libya Leader After Capture In Sirte (VIDEO) huff.to/oqZbvx

1 minute ago Favorite Retweet Reply

Gaddafi Golden Gun: Pistol Taken From Dead Libya Leader After Capture In Sirte (VIDEO)

Posted: 10/20/11 01:03 PM ET




Libya ,   Moammar Gadhafi ,   Muammar Gaddafi ,   Video , Mohammed Al-Bibi ,Gaddafi Gold Gun , Gaddafi Golden Gun , Gaddafi Sirte , G



RT @washingtonpost Video appears to show Gaddafi alive and wounded before his death:wapo.st/mT0TPh #Gadhafi #Libya[GRAPHIC!]

After eight months of civil war, the final stronghold of Moammar Gaddafi loyalists fell to Libyan fighters and Libyan prime minister Mahmoud Jibril said Gaddafi had been killed during the attack on Sirte. Follow along with the latest developments here:

12:38 p.m. Obama will make a statement at 2 p.m.

New Picture #Gaddafi in #Sirte today BREAKING: Revealed: Ahmed Al Shebani is the 18 year old who killed Muammar

@MachahirNewsMachahir Sami

BREAKING: Revealed: Ahmed Al Shebani is the 18 year old who killed Muammar #Gaddafi in #Sirte today.

#Sirte #Baniwalid Amazing work. RT: @in_focusLibya: The End of Qaddafi & Fall of Sirte - 39 photos

@stephenfhayesStephen Hayes

Amazing work. RT: @in_focusLibya: The End of Qaddafi & Fall of Sirte - 39 photos -theatln.tc/nH5zSg

Libya: The End of Qaddafi and the Fall of Sirte

Muammar Qaddafi has been killed in fighting in Sirte, according Libya's National Transitional Council. Anti-government fighters had been closing in on Qaddafi's final stronghold in Sirte, and reportedly attacked a convoy carrying the former leader today, capturing him.

@stephenfhayesStephen Hayes

Amazing work. RT: @in_focusLibya: The End of Qaddafi & Fall of Sirte - 39 photos -theatln.tc/nH5zSg

Libya: The End of Qaddafi and the Fall of Sirte

Muammar Qaddafi has been killed in fighting in Sirte, according Libya's National Transitional Council. Anti-government fighters had been closing in on Qaddafi's final stronghold in Sirte, and reportedly attacked a convoy carrying the former leader today, capturing him.

Muammar Gaddafi Killed, Captured In Sirte: Reports (GRAPHIC PHOTOS) Al Jazeera and Libyan state television are reporting

@BiffparsonsBiff Parsons

Muammar Gaddafi Killed, Captured In Sirte: Reports (GRAPHIC PHOTOS): Longtime dictator of Libya, Muammar Gaddafi...

#World #Qaddafi NTC to announce liberation of Libya by Friday, Abdel Hafez Ghoga #Gaddafi #Sirte #Baniwalid

@etribuneThe Express Tribune

(World) NTC to announce liberation of #Libya by Friday tribune.com.pk/story/278152/q… #Qaddafi

LIBYA: Veteran Libyan strongman Moamer Qaddafi was killed on Thursday when new regime forces launched a final assault on the last pocket of resistance in his hometown Sirte, a National Transitional Council spokesman said Thursday.

“We announce to the world that Qaddafi has died in the custody of the revolution,” Abdel Hafez Ghoga said.

“It is an historic moment.

8 month civil war is over #Aug.21 #BaniWalid #Sirte #Gaddafi final assault began around 8 a.m. Thursday and ended about 90 minutes later.

@NewsInLibyaNews in Libya

Gadhafi, Libya's leader for 42 years, killed: SIRTE, Libya (#AP) — Moammar Gadhafi, who ruled Libya with a... dlvr.it/rXdqc #News

SIRTE, Libya (AP) — Moammar Gadhafi, who ruled Libya with a dictatorial grip for 42 years until he was ousted by his own people in an uprising that turned into a bloody civil war, was killed Thursday when revolutionary forces overwhelmed his hometown, Sirte, the last major bastion of resistance two months after his regime fell.

#gaddafi "The world is a better place." Gadhafi was holed up with the remnants of his forces in the last few buildings they held in # when Nato bombs hit him Sirte

@WSJWall Street Journal

Live updates on the capture of Sirte, Libya, and reports that Col. Moammar Gadhafi has been killed:on.wsj.com/mWYjBy

U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron said the world should remember Col. Moammer Gadhafi’s victims and said that he was proud of the role Britain had played in bringing about the end of Colonel Gaddafi's regime.

The U.K. has been one of the largest contributors to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s Libyan campaign and Mr.

#Sirte Gaddafi died of wounds suffered on Thursday, Libya's revolt claims hometown: SIRTE

@sitecampoSite Campo

Gaddafi killed as Libya's revolt claims hometown: SIRTE, Libya (Reuters) - Former Libyan…goo.gl/fb/SJYLg

SIRTE, Libya (Reuters) - Former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi died of wounds suffered on Thursday as fighters battling to complete an eight-month-old uprising against his rule overran his hometown Sirte, Libya's interim rulers said.His killing, which came swiftly after his capture near Sirte, is the most dramatic single development in the Arab Spring revolts that have u

#Sirte Libyan fighters drove the last holdouts of Moammar Gadhafi out of his hometown of Sirte in a few hours of fierce gunbattles Thursday

@jhrConUjhr Concordia

#Libya | Sirte Falls huff.to/oFSc3G


SIRTE, Libya -- Libyan officials and NATO say they cannot confirm reports from revolutionary fighters that ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi was captured or killed in the fall of his hometown Thursday.

The Misrata Military Council, one of multiple command groups for revolutionary forces, says its fighters captured Gadhafi in Sirte.

Video from France .#Sirte.#Tripoli.Another video of #Gaddafi corpse via france24


#Libya.#Sirte.#Tripoli.Another video of #Gaddafi corpse via france24 -- فيديو أخر واضح لجثة القذافيyoutube.com/watch?v=18xjMN…

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Video #Gadaffi Gaddafi killed in Sirte #Gadaffiisdead #kadaffi #gadaffi #Kahdaffi #libya #sirte

@MlleCh_SaraCheriet S a я a ✌☮

Muammar Gaddafi killed in Sirte#Gadaffiisdead #kadaffi #gadaffi #Kahdaffi #libya #sirteyoutube.com/watch?v=KJQUSh…via @youtube

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Video #Sirte Mataram o Khadafi, ele não merecia

@juhravenclawJúnior Ravenclaw

Mataram o Khadafi, ele não merecia #Sirte.youtube.com/watch?v=Qx7WoO…| #Libya

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3 minutes ago via webFavorite Retweet Reply

Video #Sirte Here's cell phone video footage of #Gadhafi's captured body surrounded by freedom fighters in

@mymanmooseJon Rumley

Here's cell phone video footage of #Gadhafi's captured body surrounded by freedom fighters in #Sirte #Libya youtube.com/watch?v=l-rfLw…

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1 minute ago via webFavorite Retweet Reply

l Jazeera showing graphic video of dead #Gadhafi on the street in #Sirte


Al Jazeera showing graphic video of dead #Gadhafi on the street in #Sirte #Libya: bit.ly/nEp6sWGraphic image: bit.ly/oUClxj