Thursday, November 10, 2011

Israeli intelligence site (DEBKA file): Saudi and Qatari intelligence agents are shipping arms to 

Site Israeli intelligence: intelligence agents Saudi Arabia and Qatar are shipping weapons to Syria. site said, "DEBKAfile Weil," Israel, close to the intelligence community of the Israeli military (AMAN), the military engineers Syrians planted during the past two days, thousands of mines along the border with Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan and the line confrontation with Israel to prevent the smuggling of arms from these countries, and reserves of any infiltration of militants or any Arab military intervention and / or the Atlantic. The site, based on the sources, that the asylum Syrian authorities to move on its border with Turkey was "certified the involvement of Turkey in the hostilities in Syria, where the arming and training of volunteers Syrian civilians and rehabilitation of Syrian soldiers on the run before being sent back to Syria to do military operations with machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades. "The Web site said in his report that the Turkish intervention and Jordanian direct, armed and trained, "aims to create an infrastructure of the insurgency as a prelude to any military intervention by NATO," adding that "this is done by the Qatar almost in Libya, which sent hundreds of insurgents there by military transport aircraft American (from Al Udeid base in Qatar), which is recognized by the Chief of Staff level. and the site revealed that the "intelligence agents Saudi Arabia and Qatar and Jordan are now financing and transfer of arms shipments to Syria. Cyriasteps - agencies