Thursday, November 10, 2011

#Mustsee watch an undercover documentary of #Syrian #revolution? here check it out

Krittika Lalwaney
want to watch an undercover documentary of revolution? here check it out -  52



“If We Didn’t Shoot at Protesters, They Would Shoot Us.”

FRONTLINE reporter Ramita Navai, who spent two weeks undercover in Syria, had this radio report on defectors from the Syrian … Continue reading 

Live Chat 1 p.m. ET: Inside the Struggle for Syria

Join a live chat with “Syria Undercover” correspondent Ramita Navai, New York Times reporter Anthony Shadid, and Foreign Policy’s David Kenner. The chat begins at 1pm ET on Nov. 9. You can leave a question now.

How the World Stacks Up on Syria

As the international community mulls how to respond to the crisis in Syria, it faces a complex and changing web of geopolitical alliances, heated rivalries and strategic interests. Here’s a closer look at the key international players.

Syria’s Secretive Ruling Minority Sect

Because their secret tenets and practices are known only to the few males deemed worthy to undergo instruction, the Alawites, Syria’s long-persecuted minority sect, remain a mystery to most.

Exiled Dissident Ausama Monajed: “The End of the Regime Is Very Close”

As a student in Syria under the Assad regime, Ausama Monajed was arrested and interrogated by security forces several times. The last time he was detained was in 2004, at which point he says he had no choice but to leave the country.

Joshua Landis: “I Don’t See Light at the End of the Tunnel.”

The director of the Center for Middle East Studies and an associate professor at the University of Oklahoma, Joshua Landis writes an influential blog called Syria Comment. He warns there is a very high potential that Syria’s uprising “will turn into a very dark and tough ethnic sectarian fight, the way it did in Lebanon and Iraq.”

Anthony Shadid: Time Is Running Out for a Better Future for Syria

“We’re seeing a government that relies almost solely on repression to keep itself in power,” The New York Times’ Beirut bureau chief tells FRONTLINE.

“Gutsy Reporting Takes Viewers Right to the Edge of the Danger Zone”

Calling it a chilling “you-are-almost-there primer on the Syrian uprising,” Newsday’s Verne Gay gives FRONTLINE’s two-part Syria special airing tonight an “A.”

Inside the Underground Lives of Syrian Activists

Reporter Ramita Navai, who spent two weeks undercover with Syrian activists in September, at one point found herself trapped in a safe house for 72 hours while militias loyal to the government raided the house next door.

Syria Agrees to Cease-Fire Proposal

But the announcement has been greeted with skepticism and reports of new violence.