Friday, November 11, 2011

#Nasrallah on Friday warned that a war against Iran and #Syria will spread across the Middle East

Ali Bakeer
 : those who r gambling on collapse f Assad’s regime should stop wasting their time!  

Nasrallah warns possible war on Iran, Syria “will spread”
November 11, 2011    share
Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah speaks during his party’s “Martyr Day” event in Beirut. (NOW Lebanon)
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Friday warned that a war against Iran and Syria will spread across the Middle East but ruled out the likelihood of an Israeli offensive on Lebanon happening in the near future.

“Unless there is a plan for waging war on the entire region, we rule out the possibility of a close [Israeli] aggression on Lebanon,” Nasrallah said during his party’s “Martyr Day” commemoration in Beirut.

The Hezbollah chief added, in a televised speech, that the United States is “punishing” Iran and Syria for the changes in Middle Eastern regimes such as Tunisia, Egypt and Libya.
“In order to compensate for their losses in these countries, they are [punishing] Syria and Iran,” he said.

He also said that the West’s “war on Iran and Syria will not be confined to these two states but will spread to other countries in the region.”

“We are not issuing any threats but this is the reality. The Islamic nations and masses should have a position [concerning these issues].”

Commenting on the Syrian developments, Nasrallah said that “those who are gambling on the collapse of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime [should] stop wasting their time.”
As for the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL), he said that the Arab League or wealthy Arab figures should, on the behalf of Lebanon, provide the annual share of funding to the UN-backed court.

Nasrallah compared Lebanon’s STL funding to the US funding of UNESCO, which was halted after Palestine was admitted as a full member last month.

He asked, “Why can the US halt its funding to UNESCO, which is an international commitment, and Lebanon cannot stop funding the STL?”

“I want to comment on [Future bloc leader MP] Fouad Siniora’s proposal that the Arab League and other countries cover the funding of UNESCO after the US cut its share.  Why do not Siniora [and the western-backed March 14 parties] call for the same solution to fund the tribunal on behalf of the Lebanese government?”

Nasrallah also defended the cabinet headed by Prime Minister Najib Mikati, saying that it does not receive “orders” from western countries.

However, he called on the government to finalize projects, make administrative appointments, and “prioritize the people’s needs.”

Four Hezbollah members have been indicted by the STL for the 2005 assassination of ex-Premier Rafik Hariri. However, the Shia group strongly denied the charges and refused to cooperate with the court
Lebanon contributes 49 percent of the STL’s annual funding