Friday, November 11, 2011

#Syria Syrian Actress on Hunger Strike, English translation (text) of Fadwa Suleiman's address from #Homs, please share to spread the message

English translation (text) of Fadwa Suleiman's address from , please share to spread the message 

Syrian Actress on Hunger Strike فدوى سليمان

The courageous Syrian actress Fadwa Suleiman, who has led several anti-regime demonstrations in Homs, makes a videotaped plea to her fellow citizens. Below is a translation of the text of her speech:

“General strike Thursday in the city of Homs: Since yesterday, neighborhoods in Homs have been searched by the security forces looking for me. People were beaten to force them to reveal where I was. In case I am arrested by the security forces or the army, it is possible that I will be forced to appear on the Dunia TV station to confess that I am part of a conspiracy against Syria as they have done with the honorable hero, sheikh Ahmad Alsayasen and the (defected) army officer Hussein Harmoush. In case I or any one of my family are harmed in any way, I hold the regime, the army, the security forces and the shabiha (thugs) fully responsible. I declare that I will continue to demonstrate and continue the hunger strike that I started two days ago to prove to all our partners in the nation the lies of the regime about the presence of armed gangs, salafis and Muslim extremists intent on overthrowing the regime and exterminating the minorities. I advise the great people of Syria to continue their peaceful protests until the fall of the regime and they achieve the civil, democratic country that all Syrians dream of. I implore all Syrians to remain unified and stand together until the fall of the regime, the regime that has lost its legitimacy since the constitution was altered to accommodate Bashar Al Assad’s rise to the presidency for no reason other than the fact that he was the son of the previous president. I call on you today and every day to descend to every public square in civil disobedience and to go on hunger strike until the withdrawal of the army and security forces from every city and street and the release of all prisoners of conscience and political prisoners from the jails of oppression. I call on all honorable Syrians everywhere and I call on every human being wherever they are, to support us and to stand in front of our embassies all over the world and to declare their intent to go on hunger strike in solidarity with the right of all people to freely choose their own government without fear of losing their life. Oh free people of Damascus, free people of Barzeh and Quaboon and Midan, the free people of Douma and Kadam and Muadamieh and Harasta and Irbeen and Riknideen and Zabadani. Oh free people of Daraa and Baniyas and Latakia and Tartous. Oh free people of Hama and Aleppo and Idlib and Bukamal and Deir Elzor and Raqqah and Quamishli and Hasakeh. I call upon you to declare your civil disobedience and go on hunger strike in all public squares and streets in solidarity with the prisoners of the central prison of Homs who are themselves on hunger strike and to lift the siege off the neighborhood of Baba Amr that has been subjected to continuous shelling with heavy machine guns and artillery for the past week and that has been isolated from the world. No one knows what is going on inside Baba Amr. Baba Amr is being subjected to a real humanitarian disaster. Stand with them because no street, neighborhood or city in Syria is immune to what is happening in Baba Amr. As the Arab League continues to set one deadline after another, the regime continues to oppress the people of Syria, robbing them of their dignity, their freedom and their life.

And peace, all the peace for Syria and it people. 

And peace, all the peace for Syria and it people. 
 And peace, all the peace for Syria and it people.

Thursday of the General Strike, Homs, 11/10/2011.