Gingrich pulls ahead as South Carolina goes to the pollsstryfl.com/i3j #scprimary #southcaroline #scgop #tcot #gop2012 #gop
Gingrich pulls ahead as South Carolina votes
GOP presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich hopes to pull off a dramatic comeback in South Carolina today and trigger a major battle for the Republican nomination with Mitt Romney. The eleventh hour momentum is with the former speaker of the house Gingrich, according to opinion polls on the eve of voting. Public Policy Polling put Gingrich on 37 per cent, ahead of ‘frontrunner’ Romney on 28 per cent, as South Carolina went to the polls at 7am (ET) this morning. The sudden and unexpected withdrawal of Texas governor Rick Perry may be benefiting Gingrich in the conservative state with a considerable evangelical vote. Gingrich has soaked up media coverage this week after his outburst during a CNN debate which you can read about here.