Thursday, February 9, 2012

#Ancient #Egypt Cyrene, Libya: Africa’s Largest Ancient #Greek Site

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Global Heritage Fund (GHF)  -  4:16 PM  -  Public
Cyrene, Libya: Africa’s Largest Ancient Greek Site

GHF has drawn together a team of renowned experts in conservation and heritage management to work with the Libyan Department of Antiquities and observers from the World Heritage Centre of UNESCO in order to prepare a management plan for the World Heritage Site of Cyrene. There is presently a need for Classical sites in North Africa to develop good management plans, and it is hoped that this document, when completed, will provide an exemplar for the creation of management plans for heritage sites across the region.
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Philippe Vaccaro

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Philippe Vaccaro  -  3:27 PM (edited)  -  Public
Good overview of the situation in Libya and well writen as always by Anthony Shadid

"Like Tunisia to the west and Egypt to the east, Libya is confronting a diversity Colonel Qaddafi denied so strenuously that he tried to convince the minority Berbers that they were, in fact, Arabs. They all hint at the truth that the Libyan author Hisham Matar evoked in his first novel, “In the Country of Men,” when he wrote, “Nationalism is as thin as a thread, perhaps that’s why many feel that it needs to be anxiously guarded.” Authority here peels like an onion, imposed by militias bearing the stamp of towns elsewhere in the west, neighborhoods in the capital, even its streets."
The Arab world’s most sweeping revolution is foundering as the interim Libyan government seems to be paralyzed by its lack of power to control competing militias.
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