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By HUSSEIN AL-QATARI, The Associated Press KUWAIT CITY (AP) -- Witnesses say demonstrators have stormed into the Syrian Embassy compound in Kuwait, breaking windows and hoisting the flag of the opposition to the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad.
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Outrageous - just one day after the world watched the people of Homs, Syria suffer a bloody crackdown that left more than 200 dead, Russia and China veto a UN resolution that could have brought some relief to the Syrian people
Russia and China have again vetoed a UN Security Council resolution on Syria, the day after a military assault killed scores of civilians in Homs.
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Today in NYC the United Nations Security Council voted on a resolution on the situation in #Syria: 13 votes in favour, no abstentions, but vetoed by Russian Federation and China. After the vote, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the Council's inability to agree is great disappointment to all supporters of democracy and human rights.
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon voiced deep regret after Security Council members were today unable to agree on a resolution backing an Arab League plan to resolve the crisis in Syria, where thousands o...
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