Thursday, February 9, 2012

Hathor Temple in the Dendera complex (#Egypt) is benefiting from an extensive restoration:

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Alex Lapidus  -  7:24 PM  -  Public
Back in Color

The Hathor Temple in the Dendera complex (Egypt) is benefiting from an extensive restoration: a couple of thousand years of soot is being cleaned, and the original colors are emerging again. After seeing carvings without paint in other locations, it was astonishing to see color like this, and amazing that it has survived. Buildings on this site have been discovered going back over four thousand years, but the currently visible structures date back "only" as far as the fourth century BC.

For #travelthursday curated by +Laura Mitchum and #historythursdaycurated by +Matt Shalvatis.
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Jay Sekulow

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Jay Sekulow  -  5:54 PM  -  Public
Persecution of Christians and attacks religious freedom increase in Egypt. ‘Like’ and repost link to stand with Christians worldwide.