Thursday, February 9, 2012

Middle East Spectator: #Libya Struggles To Curb Militias As Chaos Grows

Michael Schobel's profile photo
Michael Schobel  -  10:38 AM  -  Public
Gabriel Tabarani's profile photoGabriel Tabarani originally shared this post:
Libya Struggles To Curb Militias As Chaos Grows

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As the militiamen saw it, they had the best of intentions. They assaulted another militia at a seaside base here this week to rescue a woman who had been abducted. When the guns fell silent, briefly, ...
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Michael Schobel

Michael Schobel's profile photo
Michael Schobel  -  10:36 AM  -  Public
Rupert Neil Bumfrey's profile photoRupert Neil Bumfrey originally shared this post:
#Libya #ArabSpring no great surprise as the country reverts to the old ways!
The Arab world’s most sweeping revolution is foundering as the interim Libyan government seems to be paralyzed by its lack of power to control competing militias.
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Jerome Fried's profile photo
Jerome Fried  -  Then it will come as no great surprise when we bomb this back-assward, violent, woman-abusing culture into the stone age. Oh wait,. They're already there...These people have a bunker buster with each of their names on it. Care of the US. You're welcome, World...
11:02 AM (edited)   
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Oliver Miller

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Oliver Miller  -  10:03 AM  -  Public
Moaied Ezbbad's profile photoMoaied Ezbbad originally shared this post:
Moaied Ezbbad shared a Google+ page with you.
libya tripoli
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