Robby Ball - 11:20 AM - Public
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For #SnowySaturday, curated by +John Fujimagari, and #SongbirdSaturday, curated by +John Briggs...
We just had another heavy snow in Fort Collins, Colorado, and here's a snow-dusted robin in the crab apple tree in front of my house. We have a large population of both robins and Canada geese that hang around throughout the year. The robins, squirrels, and other birds love to eat the dried crab apples from this tree, so I let them accumulate on the ground in certain places so that they'll have a year-round supply. Now, I'm ready for spring... ;-)
We just had another heavy snow in Fort Collins, Colorado, and here's a snow-dusted robin in the crab apple tree in front of my house. We have a large population of both robins and Canada geese that hang around throughout the year. The robins, squirrels, and other birds love to eat the dried crab apples from this tree, so I let them accumulate on the ground in certain places so that they'll have a year-round supply. Now, I'm ready for spring... ;-)
More photos from Shawn McClure
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Tangled Garden, a long video poem of 3 nature poems 9 months in the making, has 5 'likes,' nice, and thank you!, and 1 'dislike' - from Mexico -?! Ok, I guess the Señorita does not ple...
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