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DAMASCUS/KUWAIT: Russia and China yesterday vetoed a UN resolution condemning Syria for its lethal crackdown on protests, as activists said Syrian troops killed nearly 260 people in shelling of the city of Homs. In Kuwait, police arrested around 40 people after hundreds of angry Syrians and ...
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With an estimated 5,400 people having died in the conflict in Syria, the rest of the world still can't make up its mind on what to do about it.
The political game is slow and complicated...
The political game is slow and complicated...
Russia and China veto an Arab and Western-backed UN resolution condemning the violent crackdown in Syria, hours after scores are killed in Homs.
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Maya Posch - With Libya the decision to assist the rebels was quickly made and any opposition overruled. Of course, nobody liked Libya and everyone wanted to see its dictator go away. Syria is very different and I think that it are economical and political links which play more of a role here than any humanitarian concerns.
5:31 PM

Indigodruid - +Yonatan Zunger had an interesting take on this:
5:33 PM