Friday, February 10, 2012

#Syria 15,000 elite Iranian special-ops may be headed to Syria

Tim Cuthbertson

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Tim Cuthbertson  -  5:15 PM  -  Public
Jason Hurtado Daniels's profile photoJason Hurtado Daniels originally shared this post:
15,000 elite Iranian special-ops may be headed to Syria
This is part of a series of reports that are unconfirmed but that provide an indication of unfolding events. Please evaluate for yourselves.
#Iran #Syria – The regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria is expecting up to 15,000 Iranian troops to help maintain order in the country's provinces, a Chinese newspaper...
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2 shares  -  Brian Gauspohl and Holly Pitcher
5 comments  -  Brian Gauspohl, Tim Cuthbertson, Hassan Al Shouli, and Nora Buchalter-Qudus
Tim Cuthbertson's profile photo
Tim Cuthbertson  -  I hope you are right, +Hassan Al Shouli
6:39 PM   
Brian Gauspohl's profile photo
Brian Gauspohl  -  +Hassan Al Shouli What about IRGC moving into the Bekka region of Lebanon? stories in Now Lebanon and Ya Libnan

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6:43 PM   
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