Syria - Assad Army Fires on Idlib Protesters 3-Feb-12Syria - Depraved and Degenerate Assad Army Fires on the unarmed pro Democracy Protesters in Idlib on Friday, February 3, 2012 This is the town of O...
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Syria 3-2-2012 Terrorists Gangs try to control Rastan..But our Syrian Army is to Strong.These are the Terrorists gangs that keep saying on Media Sites that its only a peaceful protest...I dont think s...
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Our prayers and thoughts belong to our brothers fighting and dying for freedom in Syria. #Syria
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The United Nations Security Council's resolution backing an Arab League plan to end the bloodshed in Syria isn't “hopeless” and may win Russian backing if changes are made, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said. “We are not saying this resolution is hopeless,” Lavrov said today at a security ...
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