Saturday, March 10, 2012

Did the human civo;lization 1st start East and Southeast Asia: 80000 BC: Ordos culture

  • Central and East Europe:
    • 30000 BC: Szeletian culture
    • 20000 BC: Pavlovian, Aurignacian cultures
    • 11000 BC: Ahrensburg culture
    • 10000 BC: Epigravettian culture
    • 9000 BC: Gravettian culture
  • North and West Africa, and Sahara:
    • 30000 BC: Aterian culture
    • 10000 BC: Ibero-Maurusian (a.k.a. Oranian, Ouchtatian), and Sebilian cultures
    • 8000 BC: Capsian culture
  • Central, South, and East Africa:
    • 50000 BC: Fauresmithian culture
    • 30000 BC: Stillbayan culture
    • 10000 BC: Lupembian culture
    • 9000 BC: Magosian culture
    • 7000 BC: Wiltonian culture
    • 3000 BC: beginning of hunter-gatherer art in southern Africa
  • West Asia (including Middle East):
    • 50000 BC: Jabroudian culture
    • 40000 BC: Amoudian culture
    • 30000 BC: Emirian culture
    • 20000 BC: Aurignacian culture
    • 10000 BC: Kebarian, Athlitian cultures
  • South, Central and Northern Asia:
    • 30000 BC: Angara culture
    • 9000 BC: Khandivili culture
  • East and Southeast Asia:
    • 80000 BC: Ordos culture
    • 50000 BC: Ngandong culture
    • 30000 BC: Sen-Doki culture
    • 14000 BC: Jōmon period starts in Ancient Japan.
    • 10000 BC: pre-Jōmon ceramic culture
    • 8000 BC: Hoabinhian culture
    • 7000 BC: Jōmon culture

20,000–15,000 BC
  • 18000 BC-15000 BC: Last glacial period. Mean Sea Levels are believed to be 110 to 120 meters (361 to 394 ft) lower than present, with the direct implication that many coastal and lower riverine valley archaeological sites of interest are today under water.
  • 18000 BC: In The Seven Daughters of Eve, the ‘clan mother’ of Haplogroup H lives in Southern France.
  • 16500 BC: Paintings in Cosquer cave, where the cave mouth is now under water at Cap Margiou, France were made.
  • 18000 BC: Spotted Horses, Pech Merle cave, Dordogne, France are painted. Discovered in December 1994.
  • 18000 BC–11000 BC: Ibex-headed spear thrower, from Le Mas d’Azil, Ariege, France, is made. It is now at Musee de la Prehistoire, Le Mas d’Azil.
  • 18000 BC–12000 BC: Mammoth-bone village in Mezhirich, Ukraine is inhabited.
    18000 BC –New evidence of pottery from Japan at this date. See Smithsonian Institute.17000 BC: Spotted human hands, Pech Merle cave, Dordogne, France are painted. Discovered in December 1994.
  • 17000 BC–15000 BC: Hall of Bulls, Lascaux caves, is painted. Discovered in 1940. Closed to the public in 1963.
  • 17000 BC–15000 BC: Bird-Headed man with bison and Rhinoceros, Lascaux caves, is painted.
  • 17000 BC–15000 BC: Lamp with ibex design, from La Mouthe cave, Dordogne, France, is made. It is now at Musee des Antiquites Nationales, St.-Germain-en-Laye.
  • 15000 BC: Bison, Le Tuc d’Audoubert, Ariege, France.
  • 15000 BC In The Seven Daughters of Eve, the ‘clan mother of Haplogroup V lives in Northern Spain, while the ‘clan mother’ of Haplogroup T lives in the Tuscany region of Central Italy.
16,000–12,000 BC
  • 15000 BC-12000 BC: Pregnant woman and deer (?), from Laugerie-Basse, France was made. It is now at Musee des Antiquites Nationales, St.-Germain-en-Laye.
  • 14000 BC: Paleo-Indians searched for big game near what is now the Hovenweep National Monument.
  • 14000 BC: Bison, on the ceiling of a cave at Altamira, Spain, is painted. Discovered in 1879. Accepted as authentic in 1902.
  • 14000 BC: Domestication of Reindeer.
  • 13000 BC In The Seven Daughters of Eve, the ‘clan mother of Haplogroup K lives in the Veneto Region of Northern Italy.
  • 13000 BC: Beginning of the Holocene extinction event.
  • 13000 BC: Ice Age ends in Japan.
12,000–11,000 BC
  • 12000 BC: The American Southwest has long been occupied by hunter/gatherers and agricultural people. This area, identified with the current states of Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Nevada, and areas of northern Mexico, has seen successive prehistoric cultural traditions since approximately 12,000 years ago.  It is likely that both ceramic and irrigation technology were indigenous developments of these cultures. In central Mexico corn/maize was being developed from wild strains of grasses.
  • 11500 BC: Oldest temple complex of the world (Göbekli Tepe in Turkey)
  • 11500 BC–10000 BC: Wooden buildings in South America (Chile)
  • 11000 BC– First pottery vessels (Japan-Jomon culture) NEW 3-16-10 New evidence of pottery in Japan as far back as 18,000 BCE. From Smithsonian Institute
  • 11000 BC: First evidence of human settlement in Argentina.
  • 11000 BC: The Arlington Springs Man dies on the island of Santa Rosa, off the coast of California.
  • 11000 BC: Human remains deposited in caves which are now located off the coast of Yucatan
10,000 BC
  • 10,000 BC: – First cave drawings are made, with war and religious scenes, beginnings of what become storytelling, and morphed into acting.
  • 10,000 BC: – Bottle Gourd is domesticated and used as a carrying vessel.
  • 10,000 BC: – end of the most recent glaciation.
  • 9,500 BC: – There is evidence of harvesting, though not necessarily cultivation, of wild grasses in Asia Minor
  • 9,500 BC: – First building phase of the temple complex at Göbekli Tepe.
  • 9,300 BC: – Figs were apparently cultivated in the Jordan River valley.
  • 9000 BC: – Neolithic culture began in Ancient Near East.
  • 9000 BC: Near East: – First stone structures at Jericho are built.
Old World 10000 BC
  • Asia: Cave sites near the Caspian Sea are used for human habitation.
  • Europe: Azilian (Painted Pebble Culture) people occupy Spain, France, Switzerland, Belgium, and Scotland.
  • Europe: Magdalenian culture flourishes and creates cave paintings in France.
  • Europe: Horse hunting begins at Solutré.
  • Egypt: Early sickle blades & grinding disappear and are replaced by hunting, fishing and gathering peoples who use stone tools.
  • Japan: The Jōmon people use pottery, fish, and hunt and gather acorns, nuts and edible seeds. There are 10,000 known sites.
  • Mesopotamia: Three or more linguistic groups, including Sumerian and Semitic peoples share a common political and cultural way of life.
  • Mesopotamia: People begin to collect wild wheat and barley probably to make malt then beer.
  • Norway: First traces of population in Randaberg.
  • Persia: The goat is domesticated.
  • Sahara: Bubalus Period.
Americas 10000 BC
  • North America: Paleo-Indian hunter-gatherer societies live nomadically in the countryside.
  • North America: Blackwater Draw forms in eastern New Mexico, evincing human activity.
  • North America: Folsom people flourish throughout the Southwestern United States.
  • North America: Settlement at the Nanu site in the Queen Charlotte Islands of modern day British Columbia begins, starting the longest continual occupation in territory now belonging to Canada.
  • Central and East Europe:
    • 30000 BC: Szeletian culture
    • 20000 BC: Pavlovian, Aurignacian cultures
    • 11000 BC: Ahrensburg culture
    • 10000 BC: Epigravettian culture
    • 9000 BC: Gravettian culture
  • North and West Africa, and Sahara:
    • 30000 BC: Aterian culture
    • 10000 BC: Ibero-Maurusian (a.k.a. Oranian, Ouchtatian), and Sebilian cultures
    • 8000 BC: Capsian culture
  • Central, South, and East Africa:
    • 50000 BC: Fauresmithian culture
    • 30000 BC: Stillbayan culture
    • 10000 BC: Lupembian culture
    • 9000 BC: Magosian culture
    • 7000 BC: Wiltonian culture
    • 3000 BC: beginning of hunter-gatherer art in southern Africa
  • West Asia (including Middle East):
    • 50000 BC: Jabroudian culture
    • 40000 BC: Amoudian culture
    • 30000 BC: Emirian culture
    • 20000 BC: Aurignacian culture
    • 10000 BC: Kebarian, Athlitian cultures
  • South, Central and Northern Asia:
    • 30000 BC: Angara culture
    • 9000 BC: Khandivili culture
  • East and Southeast Asia:
    • 80000 BC: Ordos culture
    • 50000 BC: Ngandong culture
    • 30000 BC: Sen-Doki culture
    • 14000 BC: Jōmon period starts in Ancient Japan.
    • 10000 BC: pre-Jōmon ceramic culture
    • 8000 BC: Hoabinhian culture
    • 7000 BC: Jōmon culture
9000 to 8000 BC
  • 9000 BC—Mediterranean—Settling on Mediterranean isles started.
  • 9000 BC—Laacher See, northwest of Frankfurt, formed when a volcano blows out to form a caldera
  • 9000 BC—Neolithic culture begins in Ancient Near East
  • 8700–8400 BC—Britain—Star Carr site in Yorkshire, Britain inhabited by Maglemosian peoples
  • 8500 BC—Great Britain—Mesolithic hunters camp at Cramond, Prehistoric Scotland
  • 8500 BC–7370 BC; Jericho established with 2000 inhabitants living in mud-brick houses covering 6 acres (24,000 m2) and protected by the Wall of Jericho
  • 8300 BC: Great Britian Nomadic hunters arrive in England
  • 8000 BC—Norway—Øvre Eiker of Norway inhabited
  • 8000 BC—Estonia—Pulli settlement inhabited
Inventions and discoveries
  • 9000 BC—The first evidence of the keeping of sheep, in northern Iraq.
  • 8500 BC—Natufian culture of Western Mesopotamia is harvesting wild wheat with flint-edged sickles. (1967 McEvedy) About this time, boats are invented, and dogs domesticated in Europe. (1967 McEvedy)
  • 8500 BC—Andean peoples domesticate chili peppers and two kinds of bean.
  • 8000 BC—Mesopotamia—Agriculture in Mesopotamia
  • 8000 BC—Asia—Domestication of the pig in China and Turkey
  • 8000 BC—Middle East—Domestication of goats
  • 8000 BC—Asia—Evidence of domestication of dogs from wolves, new find in Russia of domesticated dogs dated 12,000 BC
  • 8000 BC—Middle East—Ancient flint tools from north and central Arabia belong to hunter-gatherer societies
  • 8000 BC—Middle East—Clay vessels and modeled human and animal terracotta figurines are produced at Ganj Dareh in western Iran.
  • 8000 BC—Exchange of goods, a three-dimensional combination of an accounting/inventory system and medium of exchange.
  • 8000 BC—Exchange of goods may represent the earliest pseudo-writing technology.
  • 8000 BC—People of Jericho were making bricks out of clay, then hardened them in the sun. The settlement had grown to 8–10 acres of houses and had substantial walls.
Misc. Stuff
  • 9000 BC: Temporary global chilling, as the Gulf Stream pulls southward, and Europe ices over
  • 8000 BC—World—Rising Sea
  • 8000 BC—Antarctica—long-term melting of the Antarctic ice sheets is commencing
  • 8000 BC—Asia—rising sea levels caused by postglacial warming
  • 8000 BC—World—Obliteration of more than 40 million animals about this time
  • 8000 BC—North America—The glaciers were receding and by 8,000 B.C. the Wisconsin had withdrawn completely.
  • 8000 BC—World—Inland flooding due to catastrophic glacier melt takes place in several regions.
  • 8000 BC—Glaciers form the rock formation in present-day New Hampshire, USA formerly known as the “Old Man of the Mountain.”
  • 7911 BC—Series of seven massive volcanic eruptions give volcanic skies and lowered temperatures for several centuries (ending 7090 BC). Locations not known, but show in polar ice. (NatGeo1986–9)
  • 7500 BC–The worlds oldest tree (so far) was found in Sweden.  A spruce that first took root about 9500 years ago, at the end of the last ice age. (2008)  added 2-6-201
  • 7640 BC—Date theorized for impact of Tollmann’s hypothetical bolide with Earth and associated global cataclysm.
  • 7220 BC—Eruption of Mount Edgecumbe, Alaska.
  • 7000 BC—Wild horse populations drop in Europe proper; horse disappears from the island of Great Britain, but was never found in Ireland. (Horse & Man, Clutton-Brock) Extinction probably caused by climatic shift, leading to excessively rich spring feed and mass lameness from founder, making them easy prey (Bolich & Ingraham)
  • 7000 BC—English Channel formed.
  • 7000 BC—Neolithic Subpluvial begins in northern Africa
  • 6440 BC ± 25 years—Kurile volcano on Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula has VEI 7 eruption. It is one of the largest of the Holocene epoch
  • 6250 BC – Eruptions occur in the Indian Heaven Volcanic field located in central Washington State.
  • 6100 BC—The Storegga Slide, causing a mega tsunami in the Norwegian Sea
  • 6000 BC—Rising sea levels form the Torres Strait, separating Australia from New Guinea.
  • 5000 BC: Rice is cultivated in Southeast Asia. Later it is introduced in Ganges Valley
  • 5000 BC: Farming reaches Atlantic coast of Europe from Ancient Near East
  • 5000 BC: Maize is cultivated in Mexico
  • 5000 BC: Writing systems, such as ideographic Vinca script, Tartaria tablets
  • 5000: Metallurgy appears.
  • 5000 BC: Agriculture starts in Ancient Japan. Beans and gourds are cultivated.
  • 4500 BC: Plough is introduced in Europe (c. 4500 BC)
  • 4000 BC: Copper pins dating to 4000 BC found in Egypt.
  • 4000 BC: Water Buffalo are domesticated in China
  • 4000 BC: Beer brewing is developed.
  • 4000 BC: Wheel is developed in Mesopotamia and India
  • 4000 BC: Potter’s wheel in Sumer.
  • 4000 BC: Susa, in Persia is a center of pottery production.
  • 4000 BC: Horses are domesticated in Ukraine.
  • 3500 BC–2340 BC: Sumer: wheeled carts, potter’s wheel, White Temple ziggurat, bronze tools and weapons.
  • 3250 BC: Potter’s wheel appears in Ancient Near East.
  • 3500 BC: The Plough is invented in the Near East.
  • 3000 BC: Tin is in use in Mesopotamia soon after this time.
8000 to 2500 BC
  • 8000 BC: Ice Age ends.
  • 8000 BC: Upper Paleolithic period ends.
  • 8000 BC: 7000 BC—Paleolithic–Neolithic overlap (Mesolithic).
  • 8000 BC2300 BC: Neolithic period.
  • 8000 BC: Settlement in Franchthi Cave in Peloponnese, Greece, continues. First evidence of seed and animal stocking (lentils, almonds) and obsidian trade with Melos. The settlement was continuously occupied since 20,000 BC and abandoned in 3,000 BC.
  • 8000 BC: Settlements at Nevali Cori in present-day Turkey are established.
  • 8000 BC: Settlements at Sagalassos in present-day southwest Turkey are established.
  • 8000 BC: Settlements at Akure in present-day southwest Nigeria are established.
  • 8000 BC: Settlements at Øvre Eiker and Nedre Eiker in present-day Buskerud, Norway are established.
  • 8000 BC: Settlements at Ærø, Denmark are established.
  • 8000 BC: Settlements at Deepcar near present-day Sheffield, England are established.
  • 8000 BC: North American Arctic is inhabited by hunter-gatherers of the Paleo-Arctic Tradition.
  • 8000 BC: Pre-Anasazi Paleo-Indians move into the Southwest United States.
  • 8000 BC: Plano cultures inhabit the Great Plains area of North America (from 9th millennium)
  • 8000 BC: World population: 5,000,000
  • 7500 BC: Settlements at Sand, Applecross on the coast of Wester Ross, Scotland are constructed.
  • 7500 BC: Çatalhöyük, a very large Neolithic and Chalcolithic settlement in southern Anatolia, is founded.
  • 7500 BC: Cattle Period begins in the Sahara.
  • 7500 BC: Mesolithic hunter-gatherers are the first humans to reach Ireland.
  • 7370 BC: End of the large settlement at Jericho.
  • 7200–5000 BC: Ain Ghazal, Jordan is inhabited. 30 acres (120,000 m2).
  • 7000 BC: First Neolithic settlements with ceramics, in St. Croix, Caribbean Sea.
  • 7000 BC: Beginning of the Peiligang culture in China.
  • 7000 BC: Agriculture and Neolithic settlement at Mehrgarh, in current-day Baluchistan, Pakistan.
  • 7000 BC: Agriculture among the Papuan peoples of New Guinea
  • 7000 BC600 BC: Elam.
  • 7000 BC: Elam becomes farming region.
  • 7000 BC6000 BC: Figure from Ain Ghazal, Jordan, was made. It is now in National Museum, Amman, Jordan.
  • 6850–4800 BC: Advanced agriculture and a very early use of pottery by the Sesclo culture in Thessaly, Greece.
  • 6500 BC: Paleolithic period ended. Neolithic period started in China.
  • 6500 BC: Beginning of the Houli culture in China.
  • 6500 BC–5500 BCÇatalhöyük, Turkey. Inhabitants traded obsidian.
  • 6200 BC: Beginning of the Xinglongwa culture in China.
  • 6000 BC: Beginning of the Cishan culture in China.
  • 6000 BC: First traces of habitation of the Svarthola cave in Norway.
  • 6000 BC: The Mehrgarh culture reaches its height c. 6000 BC. The Mehrgarh site is one of the most important Neolithic sites in the world. It is located in present-day Pakistan (Baluchistan Province).
  • 6000 BC: The entire 6th Millennium was a part of the Holocene climatic optimum (so were the 4th, 5th, and 7th Millennia). This was a warm period also known as the Atlantic period. This period was characterized by minimal glaciation and high sea levels.
  • 6000 BC: The Copper Age comes to the Fertile Crescent.  First use of copperin Middle East.
  • 6000 BC: Fully Neolithic agriculture has spread through Anatolia to the Balkans.
  • 6000 BC: Beginning of Neolithic Yangshao culture in south-central China<t.1500 BC>. Somewhere in this expanse of time, they invent the earliest pictographs of Chinese writing.
  • 6000 BC: Equids disappear from the Americas.
  • 6000 BC: Jungle fowl kept in India.
  • 6000 BC: Female figurines holding serpents are fashioned on Crete and may have been associated with water, regenerative power and protection of the home.
  • 5900 BC: Prehistoric Vinca culture emerges on the shores of lower Danube
  • 5800 BC: Beginning of the Dadiwan culture in China.
  • 5800 BC: The Hosanna Period in Mesopotamia <t. 5500 BC>, with the earliest version of stamp seals.
  • 5760 BC: The volcano Puy-de-Dôme in France erupts.
  • 5677 BC: Cataclysmic volcanic explosion of 12,000-foot (3,700 m) high Mount Mazama creates Oregon’s Crater Lake when the resulting caldera fills with water. With a Volcanic Explosivity Index of 7, it remains the largest single Holocene eruption in history of the Cascade Range.
  • 5600 BC: Beginning of the desertification of North Africa, which ultimately lead to the creation of the Sahara desert.  It’s possible this process pushed some natives into migrating to the region of the Nile in the east, thereby laying the groundwork for the rise of Egyptian civilization.
  • 5600 BC: The Red Paint people become established in the region from present-day Labrador to New York.
  • 5509 BC: The Byzantine calendar dates creation to 1 September of this year.
  • 5500 BC: Beginning of the Xinle culture in China.
  • 5500 BC: Agriculture started in Ancient Egypt.
  • 5500 BC: Predynastic period (Neolithic) starts in Ancient Egypt (other date is 4350 BC).
  • 5450 BC: Volcano Hekla eruption.
  • 5400 BC: Beginning of the Zhaobaogou culture in China.
  • 5400 BC: Irrigation and the beginning of the Sumerian civilization in Southern Iraq.
  • 5400 BC/3400 BC: ?? Watson Brake mound complex constructed in present-day Louisiana.
  • 5300 BC: Beginning of the Beixin culture in China.
  • 5200 BC: Beginning of human inhabitation and settlements in Malta.
  • 5000 BC: Beginning of the Hemudu culture in China.
  • 5000 BC: Beginning of the Daxi culture in China.
  • 5000 BC: Beginning of the Majiabang culture in China.
  • 5000 BC: Beginning of the Yangshao culture in China.
  • 5000 BC: Farming reached central and North Europe.
  • 6000 BC: Cycladic people started to use a coarse, poor-quality local clay to make a variety of objects.
  • 6000 BC: Brick building was taking place at Çatalhöyük, Turkey.
  • 6000 BC: Agriculture appears in the valley of the Nile.
  • 6000 BC: Rice cultivated in Asia.
  • 6000 BC: Plough invented.
  • 6000–5000 BC: Wine is created for the first time in Persia.
  • 5000 BC: Agriculture began in the Americas perhaps this early, in complete isolation from the Old World.
  • 5700 BC: Samarran Culture at Mesopotamia (present day Iraq) begins (c. 5700–4900 BC C-14, 6640–5816 BC cal BC).
  • 5500 BC: pottery at Mehrgarh in current-day Baluchistan, Pakistan.
  • 5508 BC: Year of Creation that is adopted in 7th century Constantinople, and used in the Eastern Orthodox Church and secularly in Russia until early in the 18th century AD
  • 5490 BC: Year of Creation as reckoned by early Syrian Christians.
  • 5100 BC: Temples founded in South Mesopotamia.
  • 5000–4500 BC: Għar Dalam phase of Neolithic farmers on Malta, possibly immigrant farmers from the Agrigento region of Sicily.
  • 5000–4000 BC: Bowl, from Banpo, near Xi’an, Shaanxi, is made. Neolithic period. Yangshao culture. It is now kept at Banpo Museum.
  • 5000–2000 BC: Neolithic period in China.
  • 4900–4600 BC: Arrangements of circular ditches are built in Central Europe.
  • 4800 BC: Dimini culture replaces the Sesklo culture in Thessaly (4800–4000 BC)
  • 4500 BC: Settlement of Chirokitia dates from this period.
  • 4500 BC: Ending of Neolithic IA (the Aceramic) in Cyprus4350 BC: Kikai Caldera forms in a massive VEI7 eruption.
  • 4300 BC: Theta Boötis became the nearest visible star to the celestial  North Pole. It remained the closest until 3942 BC when it was replaced by Thuban.
  • 4250–3750 BC: Menhir alignments at Menec, Carnac, France are made.
  • 4200 BC: Date of Mesolithic examples of Naalebinding found in Denmark, marking spread of technology to Northern Europe.
  • 4100–3500 BC: New wave of immigration to Malta from Sicily leads to the Żebbuġ and Mġarr phases, and to the Ġgantija phase of temple builders.4004 BC: God creates our world and Adam and Eve J
  • 4000 BC: Mesopotamia is in the Uruk period, with emerging Sumerian hegemony and development of “proto-cuneiform” writing; Base-60 mathematics, astronomy and astrology, civil law, complex hydrology, the sailboat, potter’s wheel and wheel; the Chalcolithic proceeds into the Early Bronze Age.
  • 4000 BC: First Neolithic settlers in the island of Thera (Santorini), Greece, migrating probably from Minoan Crete.
  • 4000 BC: Beaker from Susa (modern Shush, Iran) is made. It is now at Musee du Louvre, Paris.
  • 4000–2000 BC: People and animals, a detail of rock-shelter painting in Cogul, Lerida, Catalonia, are painted. It is now at Museo Arqueologico, Barcelona.
  • 4004 BC: If you follow Ussher’s Chronology the world began on October 23 in this year
  • 4000 BC: Babylonian influence predominant in Mediterranean regions of Asia (to 2000 BC)
  • 3760 BC: Year of Creation as reckoned in the Hebrew calendar that will be used from the 15th century AD
  • 3641 BC: February 10, 3641 Year of Creation as reckoned by the Mayan calendars in the Western hemisphere.
  • 3600 BC: first rupestrian art Chiribiquete (Caquetá). In Colombia,
  • 3600 BC: Construction of the Ġgantija megalithic temple complex on the Island of Gozo, 3600 BC: Malta  the world’s oldest extant free-standing structures, and the world’s oldest religious structures. (Dubious: see Göbekli Tepe)
  • 3600–3200 BC: Construction of the first temple within the Mnajdra solar temple complex on Malta, containing “furniture” such as stone benches and tables, which set it apart from other European megalith constructions.
  • 3600–3000 BC: Construction of the Ta’ Ħaġrat and Kordin III temples on Malta.
  • 3500 BC: Figures of a man and a woman, from Cernavoda, Romania are made. They are now at National Historical Museum, Bucharest.
  • 3500–3400 BC: Jar with boat designs, from Hierakonpolis (today in the Brooklyn Museum) is created. Predynastic Egypt.
  • 3500–2340 BC: First cities developed in Southern Mesopotamia. Inhabitants migrated from north.
  • 3372 BC: First date in Mayan chronology
  • 3300–2900 BC: Construction of the Newgrange solar observatory/passage tomb in Ireland.
  • 3300 BC: Ötzi the Iceman dies near the present-day border between Austria and Italy, only to be discovered in 1991 buried in a glacier of the Ötztal Alps. His cause of death is believed to be homicide
  • 3250–3000 BC: Construction of three megalithic temples at Tarxien, Malta.
  • 3200–2500 BC: Construction of the Ħaġar Qim megalithic temple complex on Malta, featuring both solar and lunar alignments.
  • 3150 BC: Predynastic period ended in Ancient Egypt. Early Dynastic (Archaic) period started (according to French Egyptologist Nicolas Grimal. The period includes 1st and 2nd Dynasties.
  • 3150 BC: a lesser Tollmann’s hypothetical bolide event may have occurred.
  • August 11, 3114 BC: Gregorian calendar reference starting date of the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, used by the ancient Maya civilization.
  • February 18, 3102 BC: Beginning of the Kali yuga era. Starting date of the Hindu calendar’s last epoch.
  • 3100 BC: According to the legend, Menes unifies Upper and Lower Egypt, and a new capital is erected at Memphis.
  • 3100 BC: Narmer Palette
  • 3100–2600 BC: Neolithic settlement at Skara Brae in the Orkney Islands, Scotland, is inhabited.
  • 3079 BC: Ancient Vietnamese nation of Văn Lang is established by the first Hùng Vương.
  • 3100 BC: First to Fourth dynasty of Kish in Mesopotamia.
  • 3100 BC: Discovery of silver.
  • 3100 BC: The beginnings of Iberian civilizations, arrival to the peninsula dating as far back as 4000 BC.
  • 3044 BC: If you follow Ussher’s  Biblical Chronology…Adam died about this time
  • 3000 BC: First pottery in Colombia at Puerto Hormiga (Magdalena), considered one of the first attempts of pottery of the New World First settlement at Puerto Badel (Bolivar).
  • 3000 BC: Sumerian temple of Janna at Eridu erected.
  • 3000 BC: Temple at Al-Ubaid and tome of Mes-Kalam-Dug built near Ur, Chaldea.
  • 2500 BC: Harappan civilization, at its peak, covered an area of around 480,000 km². Its heartland lay in the Indus river valley in Pakistan, but settlements spread as far as the Makran coast, Baluchistan, Afghanistan, eastern Punjab, Kutch and Saurashtra. They included cities like Harappa, Mohenjo-daro, Kalibangan, Dholavira, ports like Lothal, Sutkagen-dor and Sotka-koh and numerous villages as well. They used irrigation to farm and constructed cities. The two main cities had sewage systems, bronze, trade tokens (early coins), and hieroglyphs. There were even baths at one of the villages, besides the great baths of brick in each city. Geometry of shrines and altars tends to identify these with the cities of the Yajur Veda: they might easily be a thousand years older than this conservative date.   Adapted from Wikipedia.
Neolithic (10,000+- BC to 3500+- BC) human settlements include:
  • Tabon Cave Complex in Quezon, Palawan, Philippines 5000 – 2000 BC
  • Spirit Cave in Thailand, 9000 – 5500 BCE
  • Padah-Lin Caves in Myanmar, ca 11000 BCE
  • Franchthi Cave in Greece, epipalaeolithic (ca. 10000 BCE) settlement, reoccupied between 7500–6000 BC
  • Göbekli Tepe in Turkey, ca. 9000 BCE
  • Jericho in West bank, Neolithic from around 8350 BCE, arising from the earlier Epipaleolithic Natufian culture
  • Nevali Cori in Turkey, ca. 8000 BCE
  • Ganj Dareh in Iran, ca. 7000 BCE
  • Çatalhöyük in Turkey, 7500 BCE
  • Pengtoushan culture in China, 7500 – 6100 BCE
  • ‘Ain Ghazal in Jordan, 7250–5000 BCE
  • Jhusi in India, 7100 BCE
  • Karanovo in Bulgaria, 6200 BCE
  • Petnica in Serbia,6000 BCE
  • Sesklo in Greece, 6850 BCE (with a ±660 year margin of error)
  • Dispilio in Greece, ca. 5500 BCE
  • Jiahu in China, 7000 to 5800 BCE
  • Mehrgarh in Pakistan, 7000 BCE
  • Knossus on Crete, ca. 7000 BCE
  • Lahuradewa in India, 9000 BCE
  • Porodin in Republic of Macedonia, 6500 BCE
  • Vrshnik (Anzabegovo) in Republic of Macedonia, 6500 BCE
  • Pizzo di Bodi (Varese), Lombardy in Italy, ca 6320 ±80 BCE
  • Sammardenchia in Friuli, Italy , ca 6050 ±90 BCE,
  • Cucuteni-Trypillian culture, 5500 – 2750 BCE, in Ukraine, Moldova and Romania first salt works
  • Hemudu culture in China, 5000 – 4500 BCE, large scale rice plantation
  • around 2000 settlements of Trypillian culture, 5400 – 2800 BCE
  • The Megalithic Temples of Malta, 3600 BCE
  • Knap of Howar and Skara Brae, Orkney, Scotland, from 3500 BCE and 3100 BCE respectively
  • Brú na Bóinne in Ireland, ca. 3500 BCE
  • Lough Gur in Ireland from around 3000 BCE
  • Lajia in China, 2000 BCE