Euisul Hwang - 6:03 AM - Public
More than 8,000 people have been killed in Syria since the uprising began a year ago
(via +BBC News)
(via +BBC News)
The secret network of doctors treating wounded pro-democracy activists in clandestine clinics in the Syrian capital Damascus.
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Hasan Cheaib - +timothy burdine ikr, that whats annoys me, i mean serously, i know we syria needs a better government but are the people soo stupid enough that they resolve to this bloody war which will go no where, but a destroyed useless country that america and other western countries will take over and take over their resources such as oil, americas most favourite things after corruption. I guess syria will turn out to be like iraq, libya and egypt. all of them are damaged. The arab people need to get there heads fixed.
6:13 AM

timothy burdine - +Hasan Cheaib That part of the country doesn't believe in our western ways of life , if you take a mans horse , put him in a box on a corner , change his / her religion make him /her have one only wife , and and beg for food . why not fight at least they have a 50/50 chance :/
6:17 AM
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