Wednesday, March 28, 2012

#Syria, citizen journalism and the capital T truth — Tech News and Analysis | NewsMeBack

Marija Miy  -  6:56 PM  -    -  Public
Citizen journalism and social-media tools have made it easier to get information out of countries like Egypt and Syria, but in some cases these reports may not be true. Does that mean citizen journali...
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From the web
CPJ, the Committee to Protect Journalists, is reporting that two freelance journalists of Algerian descent were shot and killed by Syrian security forces Monday in Darkoush, a town near the Turkish border. A third journalist was wounded. The deceased, according to Spanish daily newspaper, ...
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Robby Ball

Robby Ball  -  6:55 PM  -    -  Public
Video #Syria Al Qaeda announced that the free army is one of its factions in Syria. Tiny Klout Flag 39ForSyria ‏ @ForSyria2. Close. Al Qaeda announced that the free army is one of its factions in#Syri...
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