Monday, March 19, 2012

#Syria #Finland has closed its embassy in Syria and the staff are on their way back home.

Brian Gauspohl's profile photo
Brian Gauspohl  -  9:16 PM  -  Public
Finland has closed its embassy in Syria and the staff are on their way back home. This was done in connection with the turbulent situation in the country. All diplomats have left Damascus and are tem...
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From the web
Moscow and Beijing have been firmly opposing intervention in Syria, stressing the need for a diplomatic solution to the crisis. Middle East expert He Wenping says this is matter of principle.
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Thaddeus Neal

Thaddeus Neal's profile photo
Thaddeus Neal  -  8:41 PM (edited)  -  Public
Defection of a duck and the formation of the Free Ducks Brigade. Hama, Syria. (Duck is a name/insult given to the al-Assads. Slang for fat. Bashar al-Duck.) – انشقاق وتشكيل كتيبة احرار البط في قبرص The Syrian Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية في حماة
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