Monday, March 19, 2012

#Russia plans to send cosmonauts to the moon and unmanned spacecraft to Mars, Venus and Jupiter, all by 2030, according to news reports.

Juan Pablo Aldana's profile photo
Juan Pablo Aldana  -  12:36 PM  -  Public
Space Race 2.0
Russia plans to send cosmonauts to the moon and unmanned spacecraft to Mars, Venus and Jupiter, all by 2030, according to news reports.
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17 comments  -  Yudha Inggar, xaime aguiar, Hassan Al Shouli, and Juan Pablo Aldana
xaime aguiar's profile photo
xaime aguiar  -  Damn, someone got ahead of me.
1:16 PM       
Yudha Inggar's profile photo
Yudha Inggar  -  +xaime aguiar i've never heard of Feline milk ice cream, you can start from there~
1:42 PM       
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