Monday, March 19, 2012

Video #Egypt #Libya Protests Libya politics in infancy -- Arguing over Seperatism, Federalism, or Decenteralism

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Steven Solorio  -  3:48 PM  -    -  Public
What will make you Revolutionize?!?
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Kimberly Jones

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Kimberly Jones  -  2:31 PM  -  Public
Libya politics in infancy -- Arguing over Seperatism, Federalism, or Decenteralism. National Transitional Council has been impotent leaving country with newly found freedom struggling for answers and solutions!
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From the web
By Laurent Prieur | NOUAKCHOTT (Reuters) - Libya stepped up pressure on Mauritania to hand over Muammar Gaddafi's feared intelligence chief Abdallah al-Senussi on Monday, sending a senior delegation to argue he must face Libyan justice. Senussi, 62, the last major Gaddafi associate on the run ...
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