Sunday, March 11, 2012

Video #Mayan #Calendar Mayan Elder Explanes Prophesy 2012 at Star Knowledge Conference:

Mayan Elder Explanes Prophesy 2012 at Star Knowledge Conference:  via 68
  Standing Elk/ Golden Eagle does not have a "regular job" like most of us. His "work " is to to bring health and well being to all of us and  Mother Earth through Ceremony. This takes him all over the country. Please help him now and when you have  times of abundance. Please remember all that he has done for the Star Family and send a little abundance his way.  Wopela Tanka 
 For  11:11:11 Registration and information see link to left under Star Family Events for 11:11:11
New- Star Knowledge Products for sale !!!! go to 
  The Gathering in The Four Corners was awesome. I thank everyone who attended, participated and  assisted.  If you are not on our mailing list please call or email us.  970-472-0224 or
Honoring the Mound Builders of Turtle Island
November 11-14, 2010
Woodland Altars - Peebles, Ohio
Image: 1/4

Notice To The Elders Of Turtle Island

Standing Elk, February 1996

My name is Standing Elk of the Yankton Sioux Reservation and this is my formal apology to all the elders of Turtle Island and I accept full responsibility for my words and actions in the future concerning the spiritual knowledge we are about to share with the people of the Americas and the world. My actions and words are none other than my own based upon the spiritual teachings of the Tunkasila and the spiritual knowledge of the Star Nations. If any Elder of the Red Nation feels that I am wrong in my actions or in any verbal statement, please feel free to correct me according to the Laws of the Kit Fox Society, that we as spiritual human beings have chosen to live by. "If it be necessary to punish a child do so in such a way that will improve his spirit or mind, but do not lay a hand on him for you may damage the possession of the Great Spirit, his gift of life to you."
As a Red Nation we have lived through dreams and vision of our Spiritual Tunkasila and we have always chose not to stray beyond our limits of the power of our spirit. My personal dream has directed me to contact certain Ikce Wicasa that will greatly increase the spiritual awareness that is to be shared with our brothers of the four directions. Through my personal contacts, some medicine men have agreed that it is time because of the closeness and the fulfillment of prophecies that are vital for our existence as a human race. This sharing of dreams and vision of the Tunkasila will strengthen the foundation of Nations that are sincerely interested in being that element that will be the foundation of the "thousand years of peace."
My hand is open to all those Elders of the Turtle Island who wish to share their message, dream and vision with the people of the world, for I cannot do it alone. Through our teachings, we know that not one individual holds the knowledge and mysteries of life, we were all given a piece of the puzzle. We are all a part of the Sacred Hoop that needs to be mended and we must make a humble effort in this task, if the seventh generation, our grandchildren and unborn are to survive this next awareness. My life was molded around the teachings of the Tunkasila that you have instilled in our spirit as children, and my spirit has directed me in this effort to help our brothers and sisters of the four directions and I have already chosen not to fail the Tunkasila.
Mitakuye Oyasin - Hehaka Inazin (Standing Elk)