Sunday, March 18, 2012

Video #Syria protesters on Saint Catherine Street, Montreal. Took those shots when I was walking around doing window shopping

Syria protesters on Saint Catherine Street, Montreal. Took those shots when I was walking around doing window shopping. Syria government holds 3rd powerful military force in the middle east. What western countries did in Libya may not apply for Syria. Let's wait and see.

Truly hope all the Syrians have real freedom and democracy. Truly hope Syria will not become a second Iraq.

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Adrian Azzopardi

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Adrian Azzopardi  -  Yesterday 10:02 PM  -  Public
Famously predicted by Zbigniew Brzezinski, the rapprochement between Russia and China can be traced back several years. In this article, first published in 2007, Nazemroaya analyses the successive stages of a historic process consistently driven by the same anti-hegemonic principles that underpinned the two countries’ common stance on Syria at the UNSC. Today, the alliance between the two Eurasian giants is Washington’s worst nightmare come true, of which, ironically, the United States may well be the unintentional architect.
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Alister Macintyre

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Alister Macintyre  -  Yesterday 9:10 PM  -    -  Public
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) warned this week that political activists in Iran and Syrai are being targeted in malware attacks disgiosed as Adobe Flash Player updates on Youtube. read more
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From the web
world news - Syria has been accused of planting landmines near its borders as thousands of refugees try to escape the conflict. The advocacy group, Human...
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