Monday, April 16, 2012

#Aljazeera producer, #Mousa #Ahmed, resigns over bias surrounding #Syria.

VEE pointer9:12 PM  -    -  Public
Aljazeera producer, Mousa Ahmed, resigns over bias surrounding Syria. '"The facts are totally different with the reports in the media (Al Jazeera), extremely different," Reuters quoted Mousa Ahmed, a former producer for Al-Jazeera's Beirut Bureau, as saying on Wednesday. Ahmed said the channel concealed many facts, with editors' opinions becoming the so-called facts, adding, "I'm so sorry that we concealed facts for so long a time." Ahmed is one of the five Al-Jazeera employees in Lebanon who resigned from the TV station over the channel's biased stand on Syria in the middle of March.' via Alex Higgins.
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