Sunday, April 29, 2012

#Canada to help Libya destroy mustard gas stockpiles Libya will start destroying its ageing stockpiles

Mary Jo Dodd

1:15 AM  -    -  Public
Canada to help Libya destroy mustard gas stockpiles Libya will... »
Canada to help Libya destroy mustard gas stockpiles Libya will start destroying its ageing stockpiles of mustard gas within months after Canada’s donation of 4.5 million euros to the global chemical weapons watchdog, the group said Tuesday. Munitions stockpiles remain largely unguarded in Libya following last year’s war that toppledMuammar Gaddafi , but chemical weapons are so far believed to be more secure. Securing Gaddafi-era stockpiles is a major challenge for Libya’s ruling National Tra... 

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Robby Ball

Yesterday 11:08 PM  -    -  Public
#Apr28: #Libya was once a fertile, temperate region, meandering rivers and freshwater lakes , Rock carvings and paintings 12000 yrs ago of giraffes, hippos, crocodiles »
Libya today is about 90 percent desert with most of the fertile areas being on the northern coastline bordering the Mediterranean Sea. Starting from the coastal plains where most of Libya's popula...