Wednesday, April 11, 2012

#earthquake Heart goes out to the families in I#ndonesia #Malaysia #Syria, #Palestine, #Afghanistan and #Pakistan

My heart goes out to the families that have been affected by the earthquake yesterday in Indonesia and Malaysia. Also to the people in Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan and of course Pakistan (home of my beloved mango lassi), and anyone else in this world.
May Allaah ease your burden, and grant your loved ones a place in the highest level of Jannah. Ameen. ♥
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Robby Ball8:27 PM  -    -  Public
#Apr11: #Syria Accusations of massacres and continued fighting as Syria deadline looms »
BEIRUT — Syrian security forces on Wednesday undertook fewer military operations involving armor and heavy artillery ahead of Thursday's cease-fire deadline but conducted raids and arrests in the ...
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Robby Ball8:21 PM  -    -  Public
#Apr11: #Russia and #Iran are supporting the Assad regime in Syria. Meanwhile, the U.S. and its Arab client states are arming Islamist militias »
#Russia and #Iran are supporting the Assad regime in Syria. Meanwhile, the U.S. and its Arab client states are arming Islamist militias. Ted Rall2:51 PM - Public. Russia and Iran are supporting the As...