Friday, April 13, 2012

#Egypt #Libya Islamists in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia not democratic trying to convince us that they are advocates of moderation, democracy

Ever since Islamists took office in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt, they have been trying to convince us that they are advocates of moderation, democracy, women's rights and individual freedoms. And most people in the West, after jubilantly watching the Arab Spring's amazing revolutions last year, ...
The Home of Lord Canarvon - Of Tutankhamen fame
Also the setting of the Show "Downton Abbey", this is Highclere in Hampshire.
There is a reconstruction if the tomb of King Tutankhamen in the basement of this magnificent building- Carnarvon was the financer of the Howard Carter expedition that found King Tut's tomb, but soon succumbed to the "Curse of King Tut", and died in Egypt.
Taken a couple of years ago, and just processed.
Greg Batten6:20 PM (edited)
Lovely scene, Neil. Your notes make your photos more relevant. Please keep adding them. (It was interesting to learn that the famous Egyptian was a deviate, too ... grin).
Neil Howard6:25 PM
I cannot imagine what you mean +Greg Batten ROFL
Thanks +Manuela Azevedo