Sunday, April 15, 2012

#Egypt Militants kill two Egyptian policemen in Sinai; Suez oil facility attacked

By The Associated Press EL-ARISH, Egypt - Islamist militants driving vehicles mounted with machine guns opened fire on a police checkpoint in Egypt's Sinai peninsula, killing two policemen and injuring a third in a daring attack early on Sunday, security officials said. The policemen opened fire ...
MJ Lloyd-Reynolds5:49 PM  -    -  Public
"Let us work as groups, not as individuals, the eara of the all-inspiring president and all-knowing leader is over," said Dr. Aboul Fotouh, who is head of the Arab Medical Union and an independent presidential candidate in Egypt.
#Apr15: #Egypt candidate: Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh » , the ex-Muslim Brotherhood leader running as a presidential candidate in Egypt. »
#Egypt candidate: Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh » , the ex-Muslim Brotherhood leader running as a presidential candidate in Egypt. Michael Schobel7:42 AM - Public. #egypt · Egypt candidate: Abdel Moneim A...