Sunday, April 15, 2012

#Syria This blog just records my views, experiences and some comments I have made to various organisations about items I am concerned about.

UN monitors prepare for Syria mission
It is questionable if these observers will change the outcome of this situation. It is looking like a planned regime change. When there are reports of US & UK Special Forces in Syria we are in the realms of Iraq when UK Special Forces were caught with bomb making equipment. We are experiencing a world designed by the USA.

UN Security Council passes plan to deploy Syria monitors

Posted on the page:

This is a good step forward but I feel that far more observers are needed to really get a picture of what is happening and who is starting each piece of conflict.
I am concerned that the BBC reports these items but is ignoring the casualties which have been caused in Bahrain, today.
This looks suspicious when the conflicts are similar.

Russia Orders Syria To Obey Peace Plan

My comment posted on:
It is interesting that Sky news continues to report problems in Syria but does not report a youth being shot, today, in Bahrain and several people being injured by government anti-riot police.

Bahrain Live Blog

The following posted on:

I am seriously concerned that the news media in the UK is failing to report these events whilst they concentrate on events in Syria. I feel that there could be a whitewash taking place to avoid criticism about the Bahrain Grand Prix taking place.

BBC News bias regarding Syria and Bahrain violence.

Made the following complaint, today, to the BBC, illustrating my complaint, yesterday:

Continuing my complaint, made by telephone yesterday, regarding bias within BBC news and the situations in Syria and Bahrain. (I was given reference: 1399883)

As the F1 race appears to be going ahead in Bahrain, I continue to be concerned that the BBC is not reporting acts of government violence in Bahrain whilst it does report similar items regarding Syria. Taking today, there are reports of violence in Syria, which the BBC is reporting, but it is not reporting that a boy has been shot, by anti-riot police, inBahrain whilst attending a funeral, and several others have been wounded.

Is this a way of whitewashing the situation in Bahrain so that people will not have doubts about the F1 race taking place?

News channels - the channels to watch.

I like to get a braod spectrum of news and so use several internet news channels in order to attempt to get a borad view of world news. The channels I use are:

BBC News :
Al Jazeera:

Friday, 13 April 2012

Fraud and HIV

30 years ago I worked in Worcestershire - Redditch to be exact. I have a way of seeing situations before they arise. A colleague had married a man with the same surname. This meant that she did not have to change here surname. Subsequently, she 'became pregnant'. I do not know how, but I felt something was not quite right. After the baby had been born this feeling continued. I reported my doubts to my superiors. They said I was mad. After psychiatric analysis I was due to return to work and was told I could not as there were rumours I had AIDS. I moved on. The amusing thing is I was right. The maiden name on the birth certificate of the child that was born was not the same name as the maiden name as my colleague. I had been right, but I was the one who was 'disciplined'.

We now role on 25 or so years and I am speaking to my network manager who is going into hospital for an operation. I indicate that I am lucky in that I am not usually ill. I indicated that I had had an allergic reaction 3 months earlier. He said that I should have a HIV test, as I might have HIV - stating the GUM clinic I should go to.

6 months later I was due to go to the job of my dreams, in Qatar. As I was due to leave, literally, I was diagnosed with HIV - end of dream.

I have always found these coincidences 'spooky'.