Sunday, April 29, 2012

#Libya #Saif Wrangling hampers Libyan drive to try Gaddafi son, Monday Libya will outline to ICC judges

On Monday Libya will outline to ICC judges in the Hague how it intends to try Saif al-Islam. If the court concludes that Libya cannot or will not try him, and is not cooperating with its own case, it can refer Tripoli to the UN Security Council Putting the son of fallen leader Muammar Gaddafi on ...
Vienna, Austria Former Libyan Oil Minister Shukri Ghanem found dead.

Mystery about location
While it had been called out first by family circles , the former Gaddafi loyalists had been discovered in his apartment , police reported that his body was found in the New Danube.
"Neue Donau" (New Danube - side channel on the eastern side of the Danube)
sources: Austrian broadcasting website 2012-04-29...
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Libya ex-minister 'dead in river' »
The body of former Libyan Oil Minister Shukri Ghanem is found in the Danube River near the Austrian capital, Vienna, police say.
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Henrik Carlsen

4:19 PM  -  Public
Libya ex-oil minister Shukri Ghanem found dead in Vienna »
The corpse of former Libyan oil minister Shukri Ghanem has been found in Vienna’s Danube river.