Friday, April 13, 2012

Pray for #Syria. Deadly Stalemate in Syria » A year after the start

Gavin Veasey10:31 AM  -    -  Public
Pray for Syria.
Deadly Stalemate in Syria »
A year after the start of Syria's uprising, the weary nation is at an impasse, with a broad insurgency still active despite months of brutal attacks by the Syrian army and other forces loyal to Presid...
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Susan Stone10:28 AM  -    -  Public
UN team ready for Syria deployment »
Peacekeepers awaiting Security Council approval to oversee ceasefire that appears to have lasted into its second day.
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Robby Ball10:20 AM  -    -  Public
#Friday13: $Syria, Iran, North Korea may test Obama, deadline today in its crackdown 9000 people dead »
Syria faces a cease-fire deadline today in its crackdown on rebel forces, which has left an estimated 9000 people dead. North Korea plans to launch a ballistic missile between today and Monday, with a...
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