Friday, April 13, 2012

Proof that there is life on Mars? NASA may have found life on Mars 36 years ago

Jornal O Globo originally shared this post:
Proof that there is life on Mars?

A bit of suspense and mystery on Friday 13: Did you know that NASA may have found life on Mars 36 years ago? Scientists examining documents turned Project Viking, played by robots space agency in 1976 and claimed to have 99% certainty that there is life on Mars ( ). For you, there is life there out?
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John Spade 10:04 AM  -  Public
Worst. Argument. Ever. So bad I thought it was a huffpost article at first.
Should the U.S. legalize hard drugs? »
Legalizing drugs could kill their golden goose.
John Spade10:17 AM
+John Baez slippery slope opinions of slippery slope opinion articles should automatically be invalid arguments, but I'll edit the main post to be more specific in a bit.

+BJ Denenberg it will only get interesting if someone mentions marijuana. Oops.
BJ Denenberg10:26 AM
It will get really interesting if someone can make a rational, plausible argument for the continued prohibition of marijuana, but the continued legal status for tobacco and alcohol.
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Scott Reiboldt 10:04 AM  -  Extended circl