Saturday, April 14, 2012

#Syria 13,368 individuals killed in Syria, March 18, 2011 thru April 12, 2012 | Syria Tracker »

Syria Tracker originally shared this post:
13,368 individuals killed in Syria, March 18, 2011 thru April 12, 2012 | Syria Tracker »
Description. 13368 individuals killed in Syria, March 18, 2011 thru March 25, 2012. Syria Tracker Counts from March 18, 2011 thru April 12, 2012. Total Victims: 13368. Total Places: 171. Total Months:...
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Louisa Achour11:04 PM  -    -  Public
Hi Everybody, pleaz send thoses videos to your friends to ask people to join the solidarity movement for a no-fly zone in Syria :) Thanks
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Louisa Achour11:02 PM  -    -  Public
Hi Everybody, pleaz send thoses videos to your friends to ask people to join the solidarity movement for a no-fly zone in Syria :) Thanks