Sunday, April 15, 2012

#Syria Current President of the UN Security Council & USA Ambassador to the UN on Syria

A roadside find. The color was amazing and I just had to stop!
 ·  · Robby Ball7:30 AM  -  Public
#Sunday: #Syria #Egypt #Libya Hopefully, this will brighten your day! Have a wonderful Day »
What a big eye you have, my friend! Said the flower to the camera as it clicked busily..... It's late again, so sorry for the feeble attempt at poetry - but that's what it seemed to say when I...
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Jamez Frondeskias5:27 AM  -    -  Public
Western council members welcome resolution, but have harsh words for Assad government.
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creates limited5:17 AM  -  Public
Current President of the UN Security Council & USA Ambassador to the UN on Syria
The U.N. Security Council approved a resolution to allow international observers into Syria to monitor a shaky cease-fire.
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