Monday, April 9, 2012

#Syria fires over borders with #Lebanon #Turkey forces opened fire across two tense borders

Bob Lee  -  7:45 PM  -    -  Public
Syrian forces opened fire across two tense borders Monday, killing a TV journalist in Lebanon and at least two people in a refugee camp in Turkey on the eve of a deadline for a cease-fire plan that se...
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Brian Gauspohl

Brian Gauspohl  -  7:44 PM  -  Public
Human Rights First's profile photoHuman Rights First originally shared this post:
Take action! Tell Sec. Panetta: Stop the Arms Flow to Syria.
Rosoboronexport. This state-run Russian arms dealer has shipped $1billion worth of weapons to the Assad regime, which has slaughtered more than 9000 Syrians since March 2011. And the death toll is mou...
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