Monday, April 9, 2012

#Syria puts new conditions on cease-fire, said Sunday it would not withdraw

From the web
By David Enders, McClatchy Newspapers BEIRUT—Contradicting reports from the United Nations last week that Syria's government had agreed to a cease-fire that would have gone into effect on Thursday, the Syrian government said Sunday it would not withdraw troops from restive areas unless it ...
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Susan Stone

Susan Stone  -  1:01 PM  -    -  Public
By ZEINA KARAM -- The Associated Press

KILIS, Turkey (AP) - Syrian forces fired across the border Monday into a refugee camp in Turkey, wounding at...
Read more: Yusuf Odabas, Video, Turkey, Rami Abdul-Rahman, Human Rights Watch, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Syrian Refugees, Syria Uprising, Naci Koru, Syria, World News
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