Syria says revolt over, pummels opposition - JPost - Middle East
BEIRUT - Syria says the year-long revolt to topple President Bashar Assad is now over, but it will keep its forces in cities to "maintain security" until it is safe to withdraw in keeping with a UN-backed peace deal.Syria says revolt over, pummels opposition - JPost - Middle East
Burma Election: Aung San Suu Kyi Votes After Polls Open For Historic Ballot :: World News :: Sky News
As she drove the 37 miles from Rangoon, Burma's ...
BEIRUT - Syria says the year-long revolt to topple President Bashar Assad is now over, but it will keep its forces in cities to "maintain security" until it is safe to withdraw in keeping with a UN-backed peace deal.Syria says revolt over, pummels opposition - JPost - Middle East
Burma Election: Aung San Suu Kyi Votes After Polls Open For Historic Ballot :: World News :: Sky News
As she drove the 37 miles from Rangoon, Burma's ...
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Take a look at this wonderful sight (and pretty thing-- click the link!)
Not bombs nor bullets or rocks or guns
just hashtags and voices at the tops of our lungs
#occupywallst #occupywallstreet #ows #occupyminneapolis
#occupyoakland #occupydc #occupywashingtondc
#occupyminnesota #occupyharrisburg #occupyportland
#cairo #egypt #syria #russia #occupythekremlin #uk #london
#ndaa #sopa #protectip #acta #pipa #policestate #bigbrother
#liberty #lies #corruption #subjugation #media #manipulation
#privacy #privacyrights #internetprivacy #spying
< Thanks, Olia v. >
Not bombs nor bullets or rocks or guns
just hashtags and voices at the tops of our lungs
#occupywallst #occupywallstreet #ows #occupyminneapolis
#occupyoakland #occupydc #occupywashingtondc
#occupyminnesota #occupyharrisburg #occupyportland
#cairo #egypt #syria #russia #occupythekremlin #uk #london
#ndaa #sopa #protectip #acta #pipa #policestate #bigbrother
#liberty #lies #corruption #subjugation #media #manipulation
#privacy #privacyrights #internetprivacy #spying
< Thanks, Olia v. >
Thousands of people have attended the biggest anti-government rally in the Russian capital Moscow since the fall of the Soviet Union. As many as 50,000 people gathered on an island near the Kremlin to condemn alleged ballot-rigging in parliamentary elections and demand a re-run.
At the following link you can see the panorama view of the square full of protesting people with the sound: Mb)
Молодцы, ребята.
At the following link you can see the panorama view of the square full of protesting people with the sound: Mb)
Молодцы, ребята.
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Tim Southernwood - What's even more impressive is that these people could possibly face severe censure and police action at a level that would make Occupy protesters grateful to be here and not there!
12:43 AM
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