Sunday, April 15, 2012

#Syria UN Chief Concerned by Fresh Violence in Syria »

UN Chief Concerned by Fresh Violence in Syria »
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon voiced concern Sunday over the continuing violence in Syria, urging the government to do everything possible to maintain the fragile cease-fire. Following talks with Belgian Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo in Brussels, Mr. Ban said he was “very much concerned” about the shelling by government forces of rebel-held areas in the flashpoint city of Homs. He said he was urging “in the strongest possible terms that the cessation of violence must be kept.” On Monday, M...
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From the web
BEIRUT — With an initial team of six UN military observers scheduled to arrive in Syria on Sunday to monitor compliance with a cease-fire, government shellfire continued to rake central Homs and other flashpoints. The monitors will be ready to start patrols as early as today depending on the ...