Saturday, April 14, 2012

#SYRIA: US conspires with Turkey over militarized buffer zone following Syrian ceasefire

bill camp11:00 PM  -  Public
any excuse will do for another war.
SYRIA: US conspires with Turkey over militarized buffer zone following Syrian ceasefire »
Washington has made clear that the ceasefire implemented Thursday is only a staging post in its plan for regime change in Syria. Using the G8 foreign ministers summit as its platform, the Obama admini...
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アリアリ10:42 PM  -  Extended circles
Brian Gauspohl originally shared this post:
Russian objections stall deal to send U.N. monitors to Syria »
A plan to send a small group of U.N. observers into Syria stalled in the Security Council on Friday over sticking points that included Russia’s objection to a provision that called for the Syrian gove...
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Kojiro James10:23 PM  -    -  Public
Turkey calls on NATO to protect its borders from Syria — RT »
Turkey has reminded NATO that it is responsible for securing the country’s borders. This comes after cross-border fire from Syria hit a refugee camp on Turkish territory.