Rupert Neil Bumfrey
5:44 AM - PublicUN observers in #Syria
Israelis stand by the Syrian People against Assad The green movement of Iran supports the Syria's revolution Coalition for Free Syria ישראלים למען סורים Israelis for Syrians The Syrian Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية ضد بشار الاسد Like for Syria | لايك لأجل سوريا Syrian Free Press The Syrian Days Of Rage - English Syrian Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية ضد بشار الاسد في امريكا Russia and China, STOP supporting the killing machine in Syria.
By: The #Syrian Sun - شمس سوريا
Israelis stand by the Syrian People against Assad The green movement of Iran supports the Syria's revolution Coalition for Free Syria ישראלים למען סורים Israelis for Syrians The Syrian Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية ضد بشار الاسد Like for Syria | لايك لأجل سوريا Syrian Free Press The Syrian Days Of Rage - English Syrian Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية ضد بشار الاسد في امريكا Russia and China, STOP supporting the killing machine in Syria.
By: The #Syrian Sun - شمس سوريا
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Different approaches, same "goal"? #UN vs. Friends of #Syria