Saturday, April 14, 2012

#Venus is the star (planet) of this shot. Much like the Moon does, those tiny sparks of white really catches our eyes even while the Sun tries to steal their glory

Wray Post originally shared this post:
Venus is the star (planet) of this shot. Much like the Moon does, those tiny sparks of white really catches our eyes even while the Sun tries to steal their glory by radiating with color as it falls behind the curtain of Earth.
Shot with my fisheye, no vignette added. That bad bad bad lens did that all by itself! ;-)
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Vance Smith commented on your postNoëlle CareMatt BCici Mici, and 1 other +1'd it.  -  11:36 AM
Robby Ball8:26 AM  -  Public
National Geographic Russia originally shared this post:
«Вооружен и очень опасен». Автор фото: Frans Rusli.
Vance Smith11:36 AM
In today's tennis match...we have...
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Simon Frith +1'd your post.  -  11:31 AM
Robby Ball11:26 AM  -  Public
Panah Rad originally shared this post:
CristalBubble Hut

I have seen these before. I would like to try
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Alvaro Pacheco +1'd your postAlvaro Pacheco reshared it.  -  11:24 AM