The children of Syria have become victims of violence, torture, and killings by the Assad regime. With thousands of children killed, wounded, detained, or left without family, THE WORLD MUST KNOW about this atrocity for medical aid and humanitarian assistance to reach them. IT STARTS WITH YOU! PLEASE SHARE THIS VIDEO, SHARE THIS CAUSE, & SHARE YOUR KNOWLEDGE with your friends, family, co-workers, public figures, and elected officials. TOGETHER WE CAN SAVE SYRIA'S CHILDREN & #RISE4HUMANITY! To learn more about how you can Rise4Humanity, visit our website at While you're at it, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter,, to get connected. MUSIC: "Safe and Sound" Performed by Taylor Swift featuring The Civil Wars "Mad World" Performed by Gary Jules "Save the World" Performed by Swedish House Mafia featuring John Martin