the "Time of Gaia-Earth Mother" aligned with the Age of Virgo (13,000 BC - 10,860 BC). |
Ultimately, we are all Africans. Studies of mitochondria DNA have proven that all human beings are descended from a small population (less than a hundred individuals) that emerged from Africa about 60,000 years ago. The earliest written religious texts as well as the first documented monotheistic religion also developed in Africa.... The West African area is important because this is where the majority of slaves departed for the New World. Hence large elements of West African, particularly Yoruba, religion (blended with Catholicism) can be found in religions such as Vodun (also known as Voodoo) (Haiti), Candomblè (Brazil) and Santeria (Carribean). sacred-texts.com/afr/index.htm |
The "Out of Africa," "African Eve," or "Mitochondrial Eve" theory, proposed in 1987, has captured the popular imagination. The alleged "mother of us all," said to have lived about 200,000 years ago remains controversial but further research continues to bolster the findingswiki/African_Eve |
planet wide culture disappeared in a vast and almost incomprehensible cataclysm. |
Conventional scientific theory attempts to explain these flood myths by reference to the known rise in ocean levels that followed the end of the last ice age (and the melting of the ice caps) between 14,000 and 11,000 BC. While it is certainly true that the seas did rise, by as much as 80-200 feet along different coastlines, the rise would have been a very slow process, hardly noticeable in a single lifetime, and definitely not a cataclysmic flood that rapidly destroyed human civilization. To explain the mythic and legends of sudden, massive and devastating floods a cause other than the slow end of the ice age is needed. |
An artist's impression of Mitochondrial Eve who probably lived in Africa, about 150,000 years ago. |
Goddess figurines of prehistory |
Obelisk returns to Ethiopia from ItalyQueen of Sheba's legacy restored |