Tuesday, May 1, 2012

#AlArabiya #Syria Outgunned Syrian opposition forces make shift to homemade bombs

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Brian Gauspohl originally shared this post:
Al Arabiya -- Syria

Outgunned Syrian opposition forces make shift to homemade bombs

Outgunned Syrian opposition forces make shift to homemade bombs »
Syrian rebels fighting to topple President Bashar al-Assad say they are shifting tactics towards homemade bombs, hoping to even the odds between their outgunned forces and his powerful army. A series...
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Susan Stone originally shared this post:
Suicide Bombers Strike Near Hotel, Military Compound »
BEIRUT — Two suicide bombers blew up cars rigged with explosives near a military compound and a hotel in a city in northwestern Syria on Monday,... Read more: Al-Nusra Front to Protect the Levant, Video, Suicide Bombers, Robert Mood, Suicide Attacks, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Idlibm, Al-Ekhbariya TV, Syria Violence, Syria, World News
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From the web
By BEN HUBBARD 05/ 1/12 08:51 AM ET Syrian activists upload pictures and news of unrest to opposition websites as they sit in front of anti-regime slogans prepared to carry at the weekly Friday demonstrations in the town of Atareb, 30 km west of Aleppo, on April 26, 2012.