Sunday, May 6, 2012

#Iran Willing to Join #China #Tajikistan #Afghanistan Railway Link which is 392-km long

The Iranian company, Metra, is conducting the feasibility study for the construction of a Tajik stretch of a rail link that will connect Kashgar (China) and Herat (Afghanistan). "The railway which is 392-km long will connect Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and China, and will boost ...

Kamal Bennani

6:33 AM  -  Public
Terraced rice field, China
Ana Cristina Pratas7:59 AM
WOW! amazingly beautiful! as if landscape is in movement!
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Ryan Pyle

6:32 AM  -  Public
Hello folks, I just completed an interview with IJNET about traveling around and doing photography work inside China. Check out the update at the following LINK:
Four things journalists should know about reporting trips to China | IJNet » is the premier global website for journalists and media managers to learn about training and networking opportunities. The site and its weekly e-mail bulletin reports on the latest innovatio...