Monday, May 7, 2012

#Libya seeks extradition of Bashir Salah from France via @FromJoanne

Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way - Dubai, United Arab Emirates TRAVELING in the post-Awakening Arab world, I have been most struck by how few new leaders have emerged from the huge volcanic political eruption here. By ne...

Guards murdered in LD 5 million heist - Benghazi, 7 May: Three bank guards were murdered and a fourth reportedly seriously injured when a bank vehicle they were travelling in was ambushed en route from Benghazi to Tobruk on Sunday.  Five...

صحيفة فبراير  -  February  NewsPaper - * تحقيق: منى الرقيق* عدسة: أحمد الغريانيعبد الرحمن غويلة أحد الأشخاص الذين زج بهم في ملف أو قضية موسى الصدر وطلبوا منه الإدلاء بشهادة كاذبة و هي ختمة لجواز سفر موسى الصدر أثناء مغادرته لليبيا، هذه ...

Libya seeks extradition of Bashir Salah from France - By Umar Khan. Tripoli, 3 May: Libya is demanding that France hand over Bashir Salah, one of Qaddafi’s closest associates  and former head of Libya’s multi-billion dollar investments in Africa. “Lib...

Human Rights Petition: Bahrain Government - the right to be human? - The Kingdom of Bahrain's human rights record is well known, adversely. People who have