Friday, May 4, 2012

#Mayan #Calendar Will the world end in 2012? Nine per cent of Canadians believe so

Is it any wonder that it is so hard to get people to recognize the problems we face and to engage positively in seeking solutions?

Apathy, fatalism and denial are a deadly cocktail.

Topping the list was China, with 20 per cent of its population thinking our last day alive will be Dec. 21 of this year. Second, with 13 per cent, was Turkey, Russia, Mexico, South Korea and Japan. In the U.S., 12 per cent of people believe the apocalypse is coming.
Will the world end in 2012? Nine per cent of Canadians believe so »
About 20 per cent of people in China believe the Mayan calendar signifies doomsday If you think the Mayan calendar signifies the end of the world this year, you are not alone. A new survey conducted b...

Jacob Martin2:36 AM
Bitches need to watch The Dark Crystal, it's got mad hindsight dawg.