Mexico volcano spews huge ash cloud, frightens villagers huge clouds of ash and fiery rock overnight… #News

photocopied sea lily
#Mexico volcano spews huge ash cloud, frightens villagers huge clouds of ash and fiery rock overnight, closing airport #Pluto as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope! best shot of Pluto to date
stitchblade stitchblade
#Saturday: #Pluto as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope! best shot of Pluto to date Video #Crash #Nascar Eric McClure Hard Crash 2012 Aarons 312 The Big One
peterradzio peter radzio
#Monday #Sphinx #Tunnels A study of tunnels/entrances/chambers into and below the Sphinx#Saturday: Mayan Calendar Unearthed
kekris Kenada Kris
Earliest #Mayan Astronomical #Calendar Unearthed in Guatemala Ruins A HEAVENLY FIND: #News2012 Galactic Alignment Hoax, 26,000 year wobble only significant from the earth’s point of view #News
peterradzio peter radzio
#Monday: 2012 Galactic Alignment Hoax, 26,000 year wobble only significant from the earth’s point of view #Mothersday Super Mom! This is an awesome picture of mom catching foul ball with baby in other hand a must share
stitchblade stitchblade
#Mothersday Super Mom! This is an awesome picture of mom catching foul ball with baby in other hand a must… #NewsVideo #Crash by VA driver Eric Mclure (he is ok) yesterday at Dega was horrifying #News
turtlewoman777 TurtleWoman
#May9: Historical Lie Was there really a Stone Age? Did they cut stone with stone? Have we been told truth#Sunday: #Japan Beautiful sunrise this morning over Japan's Inland Sea, Japanese gardens are so beautiful.
photocopied sea lily
#May14: #Japan Beautiful sunrise this morning over Japan's Inland Sea, Japanese gardens are so beautifulEarth Looking for Earth-like planets by looking for Jupiters, where potentially habitable planets are likely… #News
bridiechristoph Bridie Christopher
#Earth Looking for Earth-like planets by looking for Jupiters, where potentially habitable planets are likely to be of Noah was 10,000 BC, numbers in #Genesis as unquestionable facts? #News
bridiechristoph Bridie Christopher
Flood of Noah was 10,000 BC, numbers in #Genesis as unquestionable facts? #News