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11:15 AM - PublicTheDC Morning: Mitt Romney supporters finally showing energy and excitement
Like to laugh? Like to be informed? Then sign up for TheDC Morning email here. 1.) Mitt Romney supporters finally showing energy and excitement -- TheDC's Jeff Poor reports on the lively ongoing
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1.) Mitt Romney supporters finally showing energy and excitement – TheDC’s Jeff Poor reports on the lively ongoings of an Oklahoma Republican state convention:
“Throughout the GOP presidential primary, presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney and Texas Rep. Ron Paul, who remains in the race for the White House, seemed to havesome sort of unspoken truce. This led to speculation that the libertarian-leaning Republican would ultimately play nice with Romney in order to grow his voice within the Republican Party. But as Oklahoma City NBC affiliate KFOR’s La’Tasha Givens reported on Saturday, Paul and Romney may have some work to do at the grassroots level. ‘It was an eventful day at the Republican state convention,’ she said. ‘And most of the discourse lasted throughout the evening. We’re told the police had to get involved when a 70-year-old Mitt Romney supporter punched a Ron Paul supporter in the head after they disagreed on the vote.’”
Kids, please do not interpret this as supporting violence. TheDC Morning strongly adheres to the motto: Hugs not Thugs. We have a zero tolerance rule on thuggery and a zero intolerance rule on hugging.
2.) This fatwa is notta binding – Reza Khalili reports for TheDC that the supposed fatwa by Iranian Ayatollah Khamenei calling a nuclear weapon a sin may not be so revered by Iran’s Supreme Leader:
“A group of defectors from Iran has cautioned that Iranian authorities believe the West has been lulled into a false sense of security by a fatwa — a pronouncement of Muslim law — by Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has said that a “nuclear bomb is a sin in Islam.” It is based on a lie, they warned, despite the Obama administration’s apparent reliance on this declaration to guide its foreign policy. ‘While God is with us and has forced Russia and China on our side, America cannot do anything,’ they reported rhat Khamenei told the officials. ‘The fatwa which I gave years ago that a nuclear bomb is haram, a sin, has now become a statement of fact for the West, and because of their own needs and fears of Israel, they are emphasizing that statement.’ ‘However,’ Khamenei continued, ‘the Imam’s hidden soldiers, based on their religious obligation under Shiite Islam, will continue in total secrecy and in other locations to attain the most advanced arms to defend the regime.’”
Even more fundamentally, some question whether this sacred fatwa even exists! And most importantly, let’s remember that Iran seriously has a person who is considered the Supreme Leader. Seriously.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/05/14/thedc-morning-mitt-romney-supporters-finally-showing-energy-and-excitement/#ixzz1utBWm3i8
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