I support the $half-million that NASA has invested here as a good idea, and money reasonably well spent. I think that the benefit from this will not be a down-payment toward getting to Fomalhaut B, or some other such place, but rather a hook that attracts kids to be inspired to keep assessing what can be built with whatever technology we have and have-coming for the next several decades. This is a great educational investment.
Darpa announces funding to develop interstellar vehicle. Original members of Jefferson Starship rejoice.
Artemis Entreri1:17 PM
they're gonna want lasers on it and a forceshield... but im okay with that ;) Hoooray DARPA! the people that gave us the internet potentially can give us the stars! (by giving back some of that "Defense" money the Gov't ripped from NASA)+SpaceX you should go and get some more funding cuz you're our best shot... along with htat engineer who build the Enterprise ;)
James Salsman1:25 PM
There is another $2 million in DARPA grants which are getting less press, my favorite of the bunch is www.homospaciens.com/p/homo-spaciens-mission.html as they seem to have the most ambition without relying on nukes. They do assume cryonics though, which I also like.
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Philip Plait
1:04 PM - PublicAstronauts spot a Dragon flying by
Earlier today, the +SpaceX Dragon space capsule sailed just 2.4 kilometers "underneath" (that is, closer to Earth than) the International Space Station. This was an important mission milestone to show the capsule could perform up to task. Friday, if +NASA gives the go-ahead, it will approach ISS and dock.
The picture here shows the Dragon silhouetted against the Earth as seen by ISS - you can see the solar panels extended like wings. On the link above I have video, too, which is really pretty awesome.
Earlier today, the +SpaceX Dragon space capsule sailed just 2.4 kilometers "underneath" (that is, closer to Earth than) the International Space Station. This was an important mission milestone to show the capsule could perform up to task. Friday, if +NASA gives the go-ahead, it will approach ISS and dock.
The picture here shows the Dragon silhouetted against the Earth as seen by ISS - you can see the solar panels extended like wings. On the link above I have video, too, which is really pretty awesome.
Calvin Goetz1:08 PM
not gonna lie, I see almost nothing here. but SpaceX, doin it right! Firefly space future, here we come!
Aaron Engler1:18 PM
+Calvin Goetz, you do realize that Firefly was a pretty world to live in, right?
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Early Tuesday — about six years after his death in a motorcycle crash — his lifelong wish was fulfilled when some of his ashes were launched into the cosmos aboard the SpaceX company's Falcon 9 rocket. The supply rocket is carrying provisions to the International Space Station.